<p>It's Valentine's Day morning and you've just woken up. The sun is shining in through the balcony doors and it's unseasonably warm for San Francisco. Strangely, the spot beside you is cold and empty. Daddy must be up early. What is she up to? It's time to get ready, what do you do? </p>
[[Grab your phone and email work to take the day off]] <br>
[[Roll out of bed and brush your teeth, today's just another day]]
}Your curiosity and affection win out. You fire off a quick message to work, hit the bathroom, get dressed and go looking for Daddy. You find an empty kitchen, but there's a box of chocolates, a gift bag, and a card on the counter.
<i>My Darling Sammie,
Today is your day and I want it to be special. I've got something perfect planned for us, whatever you're in the mood for. Pick your favorite thing from the bag and I'll be back soon.
-B </i>
Rifling through the contents of the bag you notice it smells like Daddy. Of course she'd spray it with her perfume, you chuckle with amusement. You pop a chocolate in your mouth, and inside the bag you find three objects. You choose:
[[A set of nipple clamps]]
[[A Switch Pro Controller]]
[[A wood handled waiter's corkscrew->Picnic]]
[[A stuffed albino alligator]]Work waits for no one, certainly not hard working career oriented kittens! You hit the bathroom, get dressed and go looking for Daddy. You find an empty kitchen, but there's a box of chocolates and a card on the counter.
<i>My Darling Sammie,
Today is your day and I want it to be special. I've got something perfect planned for us later, whatever you're in the mood for. I'll be back soon.
-B </i>
Of course it smells like her perfume, you chuckle to yourself. She walks in the door just as you're setting the card down, and hands you a latte and croissant from your favorite coffee shop before planting a kiss on your brow.
"I'll leave you to work in peace today kitten, there's lunch in the fridge whenever you get hungry. I'm going for a run, and later you can let me know what you're feeling," she says before grabbing a water bottle and heading back out.
A few hours later...<!-- Find text effect to make this part load in later -->
You have a productive day, but eventually your stomach begins grumbling. Daddy emerges from the shower, toweling off her hair, and asks what you're in the mood for.
(set: $morning to false, $afternoon to true)
[[Can we just stay in?->It's dinner time]]
[[I'm in the mood for something low key->Dinner]]
[[I've been cooped up all day, let's go out!->You're ready for dinner]]
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/switch.png"></p>
<p>Just as you're wondering what you're meant to do next, Daddy strides through the door carrying a latte from your favorite coffee shop. She takes one look at the controller in your hands and grins. "Darling, weekdays are so busy with the business of life, leaving you a lot to cram into your weekends. We don't often get a whole day together just to relax. I thought you could do with the luxury of pajamas and Nintendo. Put your feet up, and I'll make us some breakfast."</p>
<p/>You grab your latte, snuggle up under a fluffy blanket, and fire up the Switch. Daddy's loaded it with a whole bunch of new and classic games. Soon there's a plate of egg bites and mini muffins beside you—a breakfast easily eaten with one hand still on the controller. Daddy snuggles up beside you, equally happy to just watch you play or play something together. </p>
<p>What game do you play?
(input: bind $switch_game, "E.g. Mario Kart, Overcooked, Breath of the Wild")</p>
[[You recline and put your feet in Daddy's lap]]
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/bakersign.png"></p>
<p>Just as you're wondering what you're meant to do next, Daddy strides through the door carrying a latte from your favorite coffee shop. She takes one look at the corkscrew in your hands and grins. "Darling, I'm so glad you're in a celebratory mood. I've got just the thing planned for us." She shoulders on a backpack you've never seen before, and you hear bottles clinking in the kitchen as you're getting dressed. Soon you're in an Uber heading through cypress groves into the Presidio. The sign in the parking lot says Baker Beach and sure enough, after Daddy pulls you along some sand dunes with an extra-spritely spring in her step, you realize you're overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.</p>
<p>This view is breathtaking. Daddy leads you closer to the bridge end of the beach and shrugs off her backpack—which you now realize is a cooler—and lays out a large blanket. She sets out a spread of meats, cheese, fruit, jam and bread. You hear a loud pop, and when you look over Daddy is topping two glasses of champagne with orange juice. Handing you a glass she says "Cheers," and kisses your cheek. A pod of dolphins swim by, almost suspiciously on cue. Is that...a shark trailing behind them? Best not look too closely... You spend the morning snacking, talking and cuddling. </p>
[[Hmm this beach is awfully private]]<br>
[[The ocean is really speaking to you today]]<br>
(display: "Unfussy Activities")
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/claude.png"></p>
<p>Just as you're wondering what you're meant to do next, Daddy strides through the door carrying a latte from your favorite coffee shop. She takes one look at the plushie in your hands and grins. "I see you've found Claude. Well, eat something and we'll be on our way. I've arranged something very unique." She hands you a pastry and calls an Uber. It arrives just as you're finished getting dressed. Daddy grabs your hand and tugs you into the car, giggling for the entire short ride. In just a few minutes you're surrounded by cypress trees, it's like you're not even in the city at all. You're in Golden Gate Park, and the Uber drops you in front of a large building made of glass, metal, and...grass? You're at the California Academy of Sciences.</p>
<p>What on earth are we doing here? Are science experiments Daddy's idea of a date?</p>
<p>Daddy hands her ID to someone at the door and whisks you inside a large, and completely empty museum. "Kitten, with the help of some friends—and a generous donation—the museum is ours for the morning. Say hello to Claude," she gestures at a large albino alligator basking in the enclosure in front of you, "Claude used to have a girlfriend named Bonnie, but she wouldn't stop biting him. Sound familiar? Lead the way!"</p>
<p>Signs for the museum's offerings sit on either side of Claude's swamp:</p>
(display: "Academy Activities")
<p>The nipple clamps are gorgeous: gold with a dangling pearl on each. It's a little early but you woke up feeling energized, and running your thumb over the smooth metal you feel a familiar warmth between your legs. Just as you're wondering what you're meant to do next, Daddy strides through the door carrying a latte from your favorite coffee shop. She takes one look at the jewelry in your hands and grins. </p>
<p>"My my kitten, so it's to be that kind of morning?"</p>
<p>She sets the coffee down and pulls you in for a kiss. </p>
[[Your stomach grumbles. Loudly.]] <br>
[[You press the clamps into Daddy's hand.]]
}However horny you might be, your body is making its demands known. Daddy kisses your head and pats one of the counter stools for you to take a seat. "I thought you might be hungry so I made some pancake batter before I went out," she says over her shoulder, pulling a bowl from the fridge. You take a sip of the latte, all your senses start to come online, and soon there's a plate of eggs, bacon, and heart shaped pancakes in front of you. While you finish your latte, Daddy tosses everything into the dishwasher and the kitchen is spotless again. You wonder why she wouldn't just leave that until later? No matter, you're ready to begin your day.
[[You press the clamps into Daddy's hand.]]{
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
<p>Before you can say "Fuck me, Daddy!" she's got your shirt off and is attaching the clamps. You recognize the look in her eyes. It's the one that says you're about three seconds away from being devoured. She grabs a fistful of your copper curls and kisses you hungrily while kicking aside the counter stool. When she pulls you closer you feel it. Daddy is rock hard. </p>
(if: $cock is " ")(display: "Daddy's cock")
[[You sink to your knees tugging her pants down with you.]]<br>
[[Daddy bends you over the counter]]
(set: $blowjobcounter to $blowjobcounter + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to $cumcounter_throat + 1)
<p>You've taken the day off, you may as well take your time. Daddy's huge $cock cock bobs in front of you, and you smile at her little shiver. Here, like this, you're full of power. You give her a few tentative strokes—but not so many she'll just grab your head—and then you set to work. You focus on her head to begin with, never taking more than half of her at a time, until you hear a small whine. You push down all the way, until your nose is in her public bone, and stifle the automatic gag. Daddy sighs and her fingers wind through your hair.</p>
<p>"Kitten, you're so good at that. Mmm," she groans, "such a perfect little sub."</p>
<p>The praise goes directly to your clit, and feel yourself getting wetter with every gag. You swallow her cock over and over until you feel her leaking along with those little twitches you know so well. You hold yourself to her base and after a few beats feel her erupting down your throat...<i>there's so much of it</i> she must have been really pent up this morning. She holds your gaze the entire time, and you are suddenly very aware of how wet you are.</i></p>
[[Wait! I want a different cock->Changed Mind]]<br>
[[You're pulled to your feet->Daddy bends you over the counter]]<br>
[["Daddy take me to bed", you plead.->Take me to bed]]
<!-- might need to add dynamic text if you come to this after getting fucked already -->{
<p>"Today you're all mine," she growls in your ear, sending you closer to subspace. You feel your face pressing into the cool stone as your hands reflexively look for something to hang onto. You can't help but smile at the familiarity. How many times now have you been bent over this counter? A firmness in her pants presses against your ass. She snarls, and moment later you feel the cool morning air against your now bare behind. </p>
<p>Daddy's big, fat, veiny $cock cock pushes all the way into...</p>
[[Your pussy]]<br>
[[Your ass]]<br>
[[Wait! I want a different cock->Changed Mind]]
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>It's a lazy day, and lazy days are for napping. "Daddy, I'm feeling sleepy," you say, kicking off the blanket and padding toward the bedroom. <i>'When did Daddy sneak in here and make the bed?'</i>, you wonder. You fluff up one of the zillion pillows and get under the cool crisp covers. Daddy strips down to her underwear and climbs in beside you. You feel a strong arm wrap around you and sigh contentedly. </p>
[[Time to sleep]] <br>
(if: (visited: "Naptime Blowjob") is false)[ </br>[[On second thought...maybe you're not so sleepy after all->Naptime Blowjob]] ]
<p>Daddy interprets the hand on her thigh as an invitation. She pulls you onto her lap, her hands firmly gripping your little hips. You couldn't get up now if you tried. She looks at you for a moment, hungry, and then she pounces. Her lips are everywhere at once. Your mouth, your throat, your chest, even your arms. She yanks your top off with a growl, and works her way down to your nipples, leisurely licking and biting each. You writhe on top of her and feel a firmness in her pants. </p>
(display: "Daddy's cock")
[[You know just the thing->You give daddy a blowjob.]]<br>
[[Daddy is overcome by desire]]<br>
[[Bedroom. Now.->Take me to bed]]
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>Daddy hands you the remote and you stretch out and put your head in her lap. She brushes your hair with her fingers while you flip through options. You decide to watch (set: $netflix to (a: "The Bachelor but everyone is literally on fire", "Futurama", "People dying in caves. Horribly.", "Hell's Kitchen: Even More Yelling Edition", "Parks and Rec"))
(set: $netflixchoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind $netflixchoice, ...$netflix)</p>
(link: "Well that's three hours you can never have back")
(if: $netflixchoice is "The Bachelor but everyone is literally on fire")
[ (show: ?1 ) ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "Futurama")
[ (show: ?2) ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "People dying in caves. Horribly.")
[ (show: ?3) ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "Hell's Kitchen: Even More Yelling Edition")
[ (show: ?4) ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "Parks and Rec")
[ (show: ?5) ]
<!-- If you watched the bachelor -->
<p>The bachelor, who is on fire, chooses a woman (also on fire) to date. Everything on their date is on fire. They go on a group date. Everything and everyone is on fire. How are they even alive? Now they're dressed up like vikings who are on fire. This might be a replacement cast swapped in for one who burned to death. They want to go on a shopping spree but none of the stores will let them in because they're on fire. Now the bachelor and his tentative beloved are trauma dumping to each other, but it's impossible to hear over the hiss and crackle of the flames as charred pieces of flesh flake away. One of the crew places a rose over a pile of cinders, all remains at the end of their candlelit dinner. </p>
<p>After a few hours you're ready to do something else.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh"))[ [[Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh]]<br> ]
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<!-- If you watched futurama -->
<p>Oh how terrible, Femputer has sentenced everyone to: Death!...by snu-snu! The crew eats a lot of Popplers. You watch an episode that is just two hours of Hypnotoad...or was it three hours? Where did the time go? Fry writes an opera for Hedonismbot with his Robot Devil hands. Bender has an affair with a soda vending machine.</p>
<p>You're ready to do something else, though you don't know if by your will or Hypnotoad's.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh"))[ [[Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh]]<br> ]
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<!-- If you watched people dying in caves -->
<p>An entire season's worth of people with deathwishes and poor spatial awareness try to fit themselves through tiny passages in caves where no human was ever meant to tread. Their bones are never recovered, but somewhere deep in the earth an ancient power is awakened.</p>
<p>You're ready to do something else.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh"))[ [[Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh]]<br> ]
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<!-- If you watched hell's kitchen -->
<p>Gordon Ramsay calls someone a donkey. THERE IS SO MUCH YELLING. THERE IS EVEN MORE YELLING. IS THIS HAPPY YELLING?? I CAN'T TELL ANYMORE BUT NOW SOMEONE ELSE IS YELLING. Someone makes a delicious looking chicken parmesan, and then the entire restaurant burns down. WHY ARE WE BOTH YELLING NOW?!</p>
<p>You're ready to do something else.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh"))[ [[Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh]]<br> ]
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<!-- If you watched parks and rec -->
<p>Ron Swanson drinks an entire bottle of Lagavulin. And more Lagavulin. He's yelled at by multiple women named Tammy. Improbably, there is a saxophone. </p>
<p>You're ready to do something else.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh"))[ [[Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh]]<br> ]
(display: "Staycation Activities")
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>Daddy runs you a nice hot bath. There's a whole basket of brand new bath bombs on the counter for you, and you pick the
(set: $bathbomb to (a: "eucalyptus", "citrus", "vanilla", "hinoki", "tea"))
(set: $bathbombchoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind $bathbombchoice, ...$bathbomb) one.</p>
(link: "You slip into in the tub")
(if: $bathbombchoice is "eucalyptus")
[ (show: ?1 ) ]
(else-if: $bathbombchoice is "citrus")
[ (show: ?2) ]
(else-if: $bathbombchoice is "vanilla")
[ (show: ?3) ]
(else-if: $bathbombchoice is "hinoki")
[ (show: ?4) ]
(else-if: $bathbombchoice is "tea")
[ (show: ?5) ]
<p>Daddy lights some candles all around the bathroom and turns the lights off. She tosses your selection into the tub and the small room fills with steam and the smell of a eucalyptus forest. She grabs two tea tree sheet masks and applies one to your face and then hers before putting on some music and sliding into the tub behind you. </p>
(display: "Bathtub Options")
<p>Daddy lights some candles all around the bathroom and turns the lights off. She tosses your selection into the tub and the small room fills with steam and the smell of vanilla and tonka bean, more fresh than plate of cookies. She grabs two tea tree sheet masks and applies one to your face and then hers before putting on some music and sliding into the tub behind you. </p>
(display: "Bathtub Options")
<p>Daddy lights some candles all around the bathroom and turns the lights off. She tosses your selection into the tub and the small room fills with steam and the smell of bergamot, verbena, and pink peppercorn. She grabs two tea tree sheet masks and applies one to your face and then hers before putting on some music and sliding into the tub behind you. </p>
(display: "Bathtub Options")
<p>Daddy lights some candles all around the bathroom and turns the lights off. She tosses your selection into the tub and the small room fills with steam and the smell of a hinoki forest and a hint of smoke. She grabs two tea tree sheet masks and applies one to your face and then hers before putting on some music and sliding into the tub behind you. </p>
(display: "Bathtub Options")
<p>Daddy lights some candles all around the bathroom and turns the lights off. She tosses your selection into the tub and the small room fills with steam and the smell of green tea. She grabs two tea tree sheet masks and applies one to your face and then hers before putting on some music and sliding into the tub behind you. </p>
(display: "Bathtub Options")
<!-- Anything special if you've come from the all day fuck path? -->{
<p>You've been on this couch too long. You have a sudden burst of energy and there's a mischievous twinkle in Daddy's eye. </p>
(set: _passage to (either: "Musée Mécanique", "Rollerskating", "Vibrator Museum"))
(link-goto: "Nothing too fancy <br>", _passage)
(set: _passage to (either: "You'd like to relax for a while.", "You're feeling adventurous"))
(link-goto: "Sweep me off my feet, Daddy", _passage)
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)
<p>You descend the stairs to a blacklit labyrinth of displays. You take Daddy's hand and wind your way through cylinders of jellyfish and a room of bright colored, venomous creatures. A Giant Pacific octopus lurks in a darkened room, a few tenatacles creeping along the side of the glass. It reminds you of one of Daddy's toy chests. Does that octopus have...a set of baby keys? In the next room you find electric eels and a tidepool touch tank of sand dollars, urchins and rays. You think better of it, with that vibrator randomly popping off you'd probably send one of the fish flying.</p>
<p>Daddy tugs you through a tunnel where baraccudas, dogfish, and leopard sharks criss cross overhead. It spits you out into an enormous two storey room with a Philippine coral reef. Clownfish dart between bursts of coral, while Daddy sits down on a bench in the back of the room. She grins and you feel a low rumble inside your pussy.</p>
[[Well, two can play at this game.->You're moved by the sweet gesture]]<br>
(else: )
<p>You descend the stairs to a blacklit labyrinth of displays. You take Daddy's hand and wind your way through cylinders of jellyfish and a room of bright colored, venomous creatures. A Giant Pacific octopus lurks in a darkened room, a few tenatacles creeping along the side of the glass. It reminds you of one of Daddy's toy chests. Does that octopus have...a set of baby keys? In the next room you find electric eels and a tidepool touch tank of sand dollars, urchins and rays.</p>
<p>Daddy tugs you through a tunnel where baraccudas, dogfish, and leopard sharks criss cross overhead. It spits you out into an enormous two storey room with a Philippine coral reef. Clownfish dart between bursts of coral, while Daddy sits down on a bench in the back of the room.</p>
[[You're moved by the sweet gesture]]<br>
(display: "Academy Activities")
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/pixelplanetarium.png"></p>
<p>Daddy whispers something to one of the security people by the door, and they nod and touch their earpiece. You cross a small bridge over the aquarium, and on the other side of a door you find yourself inside a seventy five foot dome. The screen stretches up and over the rows of darkened theater seats. She leads you to a seat right in the middle and squeezes your hand. The lights go down and a movie about space narrated by Diego Luna starts playing. </p>
<p>She leans over and says "I'll probably struggle to sit through this entire thing, so we can leave whenever you want, kitten. We won't hurt anybody's feelings, they just turned it on for us and left."</p>
<p>You are regaled with facts about binary neutron star systems, collapsing supernovas, and something about gamma rays. There are a lot of bright colors. Your mind starts to wander.</p>
<p>"This would be better with aliens," Daddy leans over and whispers.</p>
[[You hear her stifle a giggle]]<br>
(display: "Academy Activities")
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/rainforest.png"></p>
(if: $wearablevibrator is false)
<p>In the middle of the museum is a huge glass dome housing a multistorey rainforest. Stepping inside you're immediately hit with a blast of hot, humid air. It smells like a mix of flowers and swamp. Butterflies flutter past as you wander the deck winding up to the top floor. Did that macaw just tell us to fuck off?! Luckily you're not quite tall enough to have to worry about walking into any of the orb weaver spiderwebs. Below you can see the top of one of the aquarium tanks, full of Amazonian fish. Cichlids dart between mangroves dotted with turtles. You see beetles, snakes, leaf cutter ants, and neon colored poison frogs. A blue morpho butterfly lands on your shoulder, prompting Daddy to squeal with delight. At the end of the footpath you find yourself level with an array of tropical birds hanging out in the treetops. You've seen everything in this rainforest, and is it hot in here?</p>
(else: )
<p>In the middle of the museum is a huge glass dome housing a multistorey rainforest. Stepping inside you're immediately hit with a blast of hot, humid air. It smells like a mix of flowers and swamp. Butterflies flutter past as you wander the deck winding up to the top floor. Suddenly you feel an <i>intense</i> vibration in your panties and reflexively grab the railing with a sharp breath. As quickly as it came it's gone. Oh god how are you going to make it out of here? You look over at Daddy, her expression placid as though she did not just nearly give you a heart attack inside this museum. If the walls of this rainforest weren't completely transparent you'd be tempted to fight fire with fire. For now, upward and onward.</p>
<p>Did that macaw just tell us to fuck off?! Luckily you're not quite tall enough to have to worry about walking into any of the orb weaver spiderwebs. Below you can see the top of one of the aquarium tanks, full of Amazonian fish. Cichlids dart between mangroves dotted with turtles. You see beetles, snakes, leaf cutter ants, and neon colored poison frogs. A blue morpho butterfly lands on your shoulder, prompting Daddy to squeal with delight. At the end of the footpath you find yourself level with an array of tropical birds hanging out in the treetops. You've seen everything in this rainforest, and is it hot in here?</p>
<p>You're waiting for the elevator to take you back down when suddenly the vibrator cranks to what must be full blast. You grab what's closest, Daddy's arm and the side of the elevator. She looks at you with amusement. "Why, whatever is the matter, darling?" You try to return a murderous glare, but the next thing you know she's kissing your neck and god that feels good. The elevator dings and you both straighten up as the doors open, and out Daddy strides with a smirk.</p>
(display: "Academy Activities")
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/naturalhistory.png"></p>
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)
<p>You walk towards the far end of the museum. Daddy pulls you inside an earthquake simulator and steals a kiss. At first you think the earthquake simulator is making your vibrator rumble...but no, that's the vibrator. It turns all the way back up, but gradually enough you don't jump with surprise. Just as you're about to give Daddy <i>a look</i>, she picks you up and wraps your legs around her. Hopefully she puts you down before the earthquake starts over again. She kisses you slowly and says "I am so very grateful for you Sammie," before gently setting you back down.</p>
<p>You stop to inspect a dikdik, in part because of its absurd name, and you feel the vibrator come to life again. Goddammit. This time it vibrates in lazy pulses, escalating on each subsequent round. Eventually you have to sit down on one of the benches in the middle of the hall and try not to squirm. You hear Daddy giggle behind you. "Don't blame me darling, I set it to random. I'm as surprised every time as you are," she whispers in your ear.</p>
<p>She points out the hundreds of sea lion skulls adorning the wall and how they were just some random guy's collection. There's display after display of preserved specimens: insects, fossils, invertibrates, fish and...rocks...technically gems...but rocks. You head past a sign that says "African Hall" into a room that looks much more like what you'd expect from a museum. It's full of lifelike taxidermy dioramas with beautifully painted backgrounds. Right by the entrance is a floor to ceiling tank with a living penguin colony. Apparently today you can give the penguins felt heart valentines. Daddy tells you her favorite is named Grendel, both because of Beowulf duh, and because he bit a child once.</p>
<p>You walk past lions, zebras, monitors, cheetahs, African hunting dogs, more kinds of antelopes than either of you can name, monkeys, and some gorillas. Daddy tells you if she could have chosen any other career it would've been museum taxidermist. She once took a bone extraction class from the guy who supplied all this museum's dermestid beetles. When you admire the ibex she asks if you'd like an ibex skull, she has an extra you know. It's probably only minimally infested with spiders. The creepiest thing—besides Daddy—is probably a replica of a 300,000 year old almost-but-not-quite human child.</p>
<p>As you're leaving Daddy tells you about the time a museum docent tried to trick her into handling a baculum, clearly his favorite conversation starter, as though she didn't know a walrus penis bone when she saw one. You manage to make it out only awkwardly jumping once from another vibrator jolt.</p>
(else: )
<p>You walk towards the far end of the museum. Daddy pulls you inside an earthquake simulator and steals a kiss. She points out the hundreds of sea lion skulls adorning the wall and how they were just some random guy's collection. There's display after display of preserved specimens: insects, fossils, invertibrates, fish and...rocks...technically gems...but rocks. You head past a sign that says "African Hall" into a room that looks much more like what you'd expect from a museum. It's full of lifelike taxidermy dioramas with beautifully painted backgrounds. Right by the entrance is a floor to ceiling tank with a living penguin colony. Apparently today you can give the penguins felt heart valentines. Daddy tells you her favorite is named Grendel, both because of Beowulf duh, and because he bit a child once.</p>
<p>You walk past lions, zebras, monitors, cheetahs, African hunting dogs, more kinds of antelopes than either of you can name, monkeys, and some gorillas. Daddy tells you if she could have chosen any other career it would've been museum taxidermist. She once took a bone extraction class from the guy who supplied all this museum's dermestid beetles. When you admire the ibex she asks if you'd like an ibex skull, she has an extra you know. It's probably only minimally infested with spiders. The creepiest thing—besides Daddy—is probably a replica of a 300,000 year old almost-but-not-quite human child.</p>
<p>As you're leaving Daddy tells you about the time a museum docent tried to trick her into handling a baculum, clearly his favorite conversation starter, as though she didn't know a walrus penis bone when she saw one. </p>
(display: "Academy Activities")
<!-- score -->
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
(set: $blowjobcounter to $blowjobcounter + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to $cumcounter_throat +1)
<!-- tracking for later -->
(set: $aquariumblowjob to true)
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)
<!-- score -->
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
<p>While you were taking in the exhibits Daddy mentioned this was a research museum. With no need for guest staff today, everyone would be on the top floors in the labs, leaving you in complete privacy. Something about the ethereal lighting and romantic gesture of the day are really working for you. It probably also doesn't hurt this vibrator's made you soaking wet and you can feel Daddy's $cock cock. You sink to your knees between Daddy's legs. Her eyes widen, but the growing protrusion in her pants says she's excited.</p>
<p>You give the waistband of her black linen pants a little tug and all twelve inches of her spring forth. You let out a giggle, lick your lips, and get to work. You feel the vibrator kick on, steadily increasing in intensity. Every few bobs little moans slip out of you, you can't help it. Daddy's fingers run through your hair, and while she stifles any noises her breathing is ragged. You do the thing she loves with your tongue and she bucks suddenly into your mouth. Something about being naughty in public always makes Daddy's $cock cock extra volatile, and you know it won't be long.</p>
<p>"Mm, kitten that feels so good," she groans. When your lips reach her base again she shudders, and you know in this room full of blacklights your only option is to swallow. The vibrator pattern reaches its crescendo, and before you know it you're cumming you brains out right along with her. It takes every bit of your control not to sputter with this orgasm wracking your little body. You manage to drink down every drop of Daddy's pleasure while she finishes twitching in your mouth, before leaning back on your heels proudly. She leans down and kisses you tenderly. "Thank you my perfect girl, you are incredible." </p>
<p>She does not remove the vibrator.</p>
(else: )
<p>While you were taking in the exhibits Daddy mentioned this was a research museum. With no need for guest staff today, everyone would be on the top floors in the labs, leaving you in complete privacy. Something about the ethereal lighting and romantic gesture of the day are really working for you. You sink to your knees between Daddy's legs. Her eyes widen, but the growing bulge in her pants says she's excited.</p>
<p>You give the waistband of her black linen pants a little tug and all twelve inches of her spring forth. You let out a giggle, lick your lips, and get to work. Daddy's fingers run through your hair, and while she stifles any noises her breathing is ragged. You do the thing she loves with your tongue and she bucks suddenly into your mouth. Something about being naughty in public always makes Daddy's cock extra volatile, and you know it won't be long.</p>
<p>"Mm, kitten that feels so good," she groans. When your lips reach her base again she shudders, and you know in this room full of blacklights your only option is to swallow. You drink down every drop of Daddy's pleasure while she finishes twitching in your mouth, before leaning back on your heels proudly. She leans down and kisses you tenderly. "Thank you my perfect girl, that was lovely." </p>
(display: "Academy Activities")
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/aquarium.png"></p>
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)
<p>You step closer to Daddy, and she pulls you down onto her lap, wrapping you in a big hug. "I'm so glad we could spend the day together, darling," she says before capturing your lips. Her limbs feel like your personal warm blanket, and you kiss sweetly for several minutes before leaning back. Her face glows in the strange light, and she looks at you with unwavering devotion. Now is your moment to strike. You lean in to kiss her neck, grinding your hips ever so slightly.</p>
<p>"Nnngh," she groans, "What are you doing, kitten?"</p>
<p>"Ohhh nothing," you say innocently, kissing your way up to her ear and grinding with more determination. You feel her bulge growing. Well, well, it seems Daddy's not immune to some teasing. "How do you like it?" you whisper with a giggle.</p>
<p>She grabs your hair.</p>
(display: "Daddy's cock")
[[Well, you know what's expected now->Something about this place emboldens you]]
(else: )
<p>You step closer to Daddy, and she pulls you down onto her lap, wrapping you in a big hug. "I'm so glad we could spend the day together, darling," she says before capturing your lips. Her limbs feel like your personal warm blanket, and you kiss sweetly for several minutes before leaning back. Her face glows in the strange light, and she looks at you with unwavering devotion.</p>
[[Something about this place emboldens you]]
(display: "Academy Activities"){
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
<p>"Daddy, this was a marvelous morning but I think I'm ready to be out of this museum," you say.</p>
<p>"As you wish, darling," she says, pulling you into the restroom, "there's just something I need to take care of before we go." She backs you into one of the stalls, distracting you with a kiss. Before you can say anything the vibrator is on again. This time it doesn't seem like Daddy's fucking around, you feel her fumble in her pocket for a moment and suddenly it's as though there's a jet engine in your panties. You gasp.</p>
<p>"I need you to cum for me," she says, her voice suddenly hoarse.</p>
<p>You'd protest, but you've already come this far, who are you to deny Daddy your orgasms? You lean back against the stall, and feel Daddy sliding down your body. She rucks your shirt up and pulls your bra down, freeing your breasts. You groan loudly as her teeth find a nipple. Daddy has learned all your shortcuts, but as though devouring your tits weren't enough she presses her hand between your legs, increasing the vibrator's pressure. A scream is rising in the back of your throat, only to be cut off by Daddy's fingers in your mouth.</p>
<p>"Bite down if you need to, kitten," she says before returning to your freckled chest.</p>
<p>Moments later as her tongue and teeth work, a leg shaking orgasm is ripping through your body. It's a good thing Daddy has a firm grip on you. She smiles as you shudder against her.</p>
<p>"Good girl," she purrs while you catch your breath and she straightens your clothes. She slips the vibrator out of you and into her pocket. "What next, my love?"</p>
(else: )
<p>"Daddy, this was a marvelous morning but I think I'm ready to be out of this museum," you say. She takes your hand with a smile and asks, "What next, my love?"</p>
[[It's a lovely day, you'd like to see some more of the park]]<br>
[[You're feeling adventurous]]<br>
[[You're feeling pretty hungry right about now]]
}(display: "Daddy's cock")
(link: "That's better")[(goto: (history:)'s last)]
(set: $assfuck to $assfuck + 1)
(if: (visited: "Your pussy"))
<p>Daddy hasn't had enough. You feel the head of her $cock pressing against your little backdoor, and she pushes in with a single long thrust. Both of you grunt. It's <i>rough</i> today. She's not fucking you quickly, but she pulls back almost all the way with each stroke, and snaps back into you with a hard thud. Your pussy floods at the fullness. You wish you could just relax and let it wash over you, but the thrusts are so uneven and brutal your hands scrabble for purchase. Of course there's nothing.</p>
(else-if: (visited: "You sink to your knees tugging her pants down with you."))
<p>Surely, you must've completely drained Daddy's balls? But somehow you've just made her even hungrier because you feel the tip of her $cock cock pressing against your little backdoor. She pushes in with a single long thrust and both of you grunt. It's <i>rough</i> today. She's not fucking you quickly, but she pulls back almost all the way with each stroke, and snaps back into you with a hard thud. Your pussy floods at the fullness. You wish you could just relax and let it wash over you, but the thrusts are so uneven and brutal your hands scrabble for purchase. Of course there's nothing.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy must be feeling extra naughty today, because she goes straight for your little backdoor. Her $cock cock pushes in with a single long thrust and both of you grunt. It's <i>rough</i> today. She's not fucking you quickly, but she pulls back almost all the way with each stroke, and snaps back into you with a hard thud. Your pussy floods at the fullness. You wish you could just relax and let it wash over you, but the thrusts are so uneven and brutal your hands scrabble for purchase. Of course there's nothing.</p>
<p>She fists your hair even more tightly and leans down to whisper in your ear. "Who does this tight hole belong to, little one?"</p>
<p>You whimper before responding "You Daddy, my ass is yours." This has the effect of making her thrust even harder, but she pulls back slowly and you feel her head scrape along every little bit of your insides. Still, however vicious she's feeling she's left you your hands, and you feel a monumental orgasm building as you rub your little clit.</p>
<p>"And <i>what</i> do I do with my holes, kitten?" </p>
<p>Fuck, how does she expect you to answer this? Your brain is barely working and you feel like you're being split in two! You manage to mumble, "...Anything you want?" <p>
<p>"Wrong answer kitten!" she says, pulling your head back by your hair. Luckily she doesn't wait for you to figure out how to reply. "The correct answer," she growls, "is fill them with cum."</p>
(set: _passage to (either: "On your face", "On your tits", "In your mouth", "Inside you"))
(link-goto: "Daddy's ready to cum", _passage)
<!-- check conditionals -->{
(set: $pussyfuck to $pussyfuck + 1)
(if: (visited: "Your ass"))
<!-- if Daddy fucked your ass first -->
<p>Your ass must've just been a warmup, because soon you feel Daddy's $cock cock rub your clit and up your pussy to your ass and back down a few times. Your pulse speeds up at not knowing where the invasion will come. Would she fuck your ass <i>again?</i> She doesn't tease for long, Daddy wants your pussy next. She pushes all the way inside you easily, you're soaked—even if it feels like you're being broken in half. The strokes come slowly, methodically, Daddy really wants you to feel every inch of her dragging inside you. It's so big—just shy of <i>too</i>big—and it never gets any easier, but you love the fullness all the same. You feel your own wetness dripping off of her balls as they smack into you.</p>
(else-if: (visited: "You sink to your knees tugging her pants down with you."))
<!-- if you gave Daddy a blowjob first -->
<p>You can't believe Daddy has anything left in those balls after everything you swallowed, but you feel her $cock cock rub your clit and up your pussy to your ass and back down a few times. You shudder every time she brushes your swollen clit. Your pulse speeds up at not knowing where the invasion will come. She doesn't tease for long, Daddy wants your pussy next. She pushes all the way inside you easily, you're soaked—even if it feels like you're being broken in half. The strokes come slowly, methodically, Daddy really wants you to feel every inch of her dragging inside you. It's so big—just shy of <i>too</i> big—and it never gets any easier, but you love the fullness all the same. You feel your own wetness dripping off of her balls as they smack into you.</p>
<!-- if Daddy's fucking your pussy first -->
<p>You feel her $cock cock rub your clit and up your pussy to your ass and back down a few times. Your pulse speeds up at not knowing where the invasion will come. She doesn't tease for long, Daddy is going straight for your little pussy this morning. She pushes all the way inside you easily, you're soaked—even if it feels like you're being broken in half. The strokes come slowly, methodically, Daddy really wants you to feel every inch of her dragging inside you. It's so big—just shy of <i>too</i> big—and it never gets any easier, but you love the fullness all the same. You feel your own wetness dripping off of her balls as they smack into you.</p>
<p>Her long fingers curl around your throat, sending you flying toward subspace. She bends over and her lips brush the shell of your ear before whispering, "How does it feel, kitten? How does it feel when your tight little pussy is used for <i>exactly</i> what it was made for?"</p>
<p>You grunt some unintelligble noises before replying, "Good, Daddy, it feels so good." She's left you use of your hands and you rub your clit frantically, you're so close.</p>
<p>"Good girl" she purrs, and licks a stripe up the side of your face before slamming into you even harder. Her thrusts become uneven and you feel her legs start to shake against you.</p>
(set: _passage to (either: "On your face", "On your tits", "In your mouth"))
(link-goto: "Daddy's ready to cum", _passage)
(set: $blowjobcounter to $blowjobcounter + 1)
<!-- if you already gave daddy a blowjob -->
(if: $blowjobcounter is > 0)
<p>You feel like you could just about swallow Daddy's cock all day long today.</p>
<!-- if you came from getting fucked in the ass -->
(if: $alldayfuckmorningcum is "ass")
<p>You can't help it, deep down inside you is a dirty girl who loves to taste exactly how naughty she is off Daddy's cock. You take her gently in your mouth, suddenly she's rock hard again, and you're dripping. Well, you only need one hand for this task, you can spare the other one for your needy little pussy. Daddy groans at the sight of you touching yourself. You lick and suck her head while your free hand strokes her shaft, until finally you push her all the way in. You feel her throb at the sound of each of your little gags. Once her toes are curling you work faster, and you taste those first drops of precum.</p>
<!-- if you came from getting fucked in the pussy -->
(else-if: $alldayfuckmorningcum is "pussy")
<p>You know how much Daddy loves watching you taste yourself off of her. You take her gently in your mouth, still soaked with your tangy and sweet pleasure. Suddenly she's rock hard again and you're dripping. Well, you only need one hand for this task, you can spare the other one for your needy little pussy. Daddy groans at the sight of you touching yourself. You lick and suck her head while your free hand strokes her shaft, until finally you push her all the way in. You feel her throb at the sound of each of your little gags. Once her toes are curling you work faster, and you taste those first drops of precum.</p>
(else: )
<p>You take her gently in your mouth, and suddenly she's rock hard again and you're dripping. Well, you only need one hand for this task, you can spare the other one for your needy little pussy. Daddy groans at the sight of you touching yourself. You lick and suck her head while your free hand strokes her shaft, until finally you push her all the way in. You feel her throb at the sound of each of your little gags. Once her toes are curling you work faster, and you taste those first drops of precum.</p>
<!-- Where is daddy cumming this time? -->
(set: _passage to (either: "On your face", "On your tits", "In your mouth"))
(link-goto: "Daddy's ready to cum", _passage)
(set: $cumcounter_tits to $cumcounter_tits + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Your need to taste Daddy. Now.")
<p>You drag your lips down Daddy's $cock cock before releasing her, and stroke.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy pulls out and positions you exactly where she wants you, kneeling before her $cock cock.</p>
<p>"Please, Daddy, let me have it" you beg, with a smile. You know how much she loves it when you plead, and a moment later she's shooting rope after rope all across your freckled tits. That first splash always feels <i>so</i> dirty, and soon you're cumming right along with Daddy, your fingers rubbing frantically just the way you know how. You squeal as hot strands drip down your chest, waiting obediently to see what she wants next. She bends down and licks as much as she can from every inch of your breasts, before spitting it into your mouth, pushing it closed with a little nudge to your chin. You swallow every drop of Daddy's salty pleasure, and show her the results proudly.</p>
<!-- links to keep fucking conditional options, and take me to bed -->
(unless: (visited: "Your pussy"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your pussy]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Your ass"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your ass]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You need to taste Daddy. Now."))[ [[You need to taste Daddy. Now.]]<br> ]
[[Take me to bed]]<br>
(set: $cumcounter_face to $cumcounter_face + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Your need to taste Daddy. Now.")
<p>You drag your lips down Daddy's $cock cock before releasing her, and stroke.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy pulls out, and positions you exactly where she wants you, kneeling before her $cock cock.</p>
<p>"Please, Daddy, I need it," you beg. With a smile, you open your mouth expectantly. You know how much she loves it when you plead, and a moment later she's shooting rope after rope all over your face. That first splash always feels <i>so</i> dirty, and soon you're cumming right along with Daddy, your fingers rubbing frantically the way only you know how. You feel hot strands dripping down your forehead, cheeks, and lips. You grin, waiting to see what she wants. She bends down and licks as much as she can right off your face before spitting it into your mouth, pushing it closed with a little nudge to your chin. You swallow every drop of Daddy's salty pleasure, and show her the results proudly.</p>
<!-- links to keep fucking conditional options, and take me to bed -->
(unless: (visited: "Your pussy"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your pussy]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Your ass"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your ass]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You need to taste Daddy. Now."))[ [[You need to taste Daddy. Now.]]<br> ]
[[Take me to bed]]<br>
(set: $cumcounter_mouth to $cumcounter_mouth + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Your need to taste Daddy. Now.")
<p>You drag your lips down Daddy's $cock cock before releasing her, and stroke.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy pulls out and positions you exactly where she wants you, kneeling before her $cock cock.</p>
<p>"Give it to me, Daddy," you plead. With a smile, you open your mouth and extend your tongue expectantly. You know how much she loves it when you beg, and a moment later she's shooting rope after rope onto your tongue. That first splash always feels <i>so</i> dirty, and soon you're cumming right along with Daddy, your fingers rubbing frantically the way only you know how. You hold it there, waiting for her instruction. She bends down and licks as much as she can right off your tongue before spitting it back in, and pushing your mouth closed with a little nudge to your chin. You swallow every drop of Daddy's salty pleasure, and show her the results proudly.</p>
<!-- links to keep fucking conditional options, and take me to bed -->
(unless: (visited: "Your pussy"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your pussy]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Your ass"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your ass]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You need to taste Daddy. Now."))[ [[You need to taste Daddy. Now.]]<br> ]
[[Take me to bed]]<br>
<p>After a few hours of grazing and playing $switch_game with Daddy rubbing your feet, you turn off the Nintendo, pleasantly relaxed and sufficiently caffeinated. </p>
[[Your hand starts creeping under the blanket over Daddy's thigh]]<br>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>As the two of you are toweling off the doorbell rings, and you wonder who could possibly be here? Daddy wraps you both in big fluffy robes and tells you to wait here. You hear muffled voices and hope you're not going to be stuck in this bathroom for too long. A few minutes later she knocks on the door and asks you to join her. In the bedroom you see two massage tables set up. Daddy has booked you a couples massage! You each climb onto a table and pull up a sheet to cover your waist, she mentions there's a glute massage but it's completely optional. She calls out that you're ready, and the massage therapists return and begin attacking your muscles.</p>
<p>"Our primary clients are the 49ers, so this massage will perhaps be a bit less spa-like than you're used to," one of them explains. It's rough but...incredible? You're feeling muscles you forgot you even had. You and daddy relax blissfully for the next hour and a half before they take their leave. You can't remember the last time your body felt this good.</p>
(if: $afternoon is true)[ (unless: (visited: "Take me back to bed."))[[Take me to bed, Daddy->Take me back to bed.]]<br> ] <!-- This was throwing an error and you adjusted. Make sure it's working.-->
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<p>A little over an hour later you wake up feeling refreshed. You stretch lazily and feel the warm sun on your skin. Beside you, Daddy's still curled up peacefully asleep. </p>
[[You wake her up with a kiss.]]<br>
(if: (visited: "Naptime Blowjob") is false)[ [[You wake her up with something naughtier->Naptime Blowjob]] ]
<p>As quietly as you can, you scoot closer to Daddy and press your lips to hers. She wakes up immediately and pulls you closer, her tongue pressing into your mouth. After a lovely few minutes making out, you're ready to get out of bed. Daddy thwarts your first few attemps to move, pulling you back down and into more kisses, but eventually relents.</p>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
(set: $blowjob to $blowjob + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to $cumcounter_throat + 1)
(if: (visited: "Time to sleep") is false)
<p>"Daddy, I suddenly don't feel very sleepy," you say. She mumbles in response, half asleep. Your hand skims down her stomach and over her black panties. You climb between her legs when you feel her stirring, and pull at the fabric barely holding her back. Her cock springs loose and you giggle, leaving tiny kisses up and down her shaft. She inhales sharply, briefly rendered docile by your talents. You take all of her suddenly and her hips buck in surprise at the warmth of your mouth. </p>
(else: )
<p>You wonder how far you can get before Daddy wakes up. Your hand skims down her stomach and over her black panties. Not long, it turns out. Her cock always seems to be on high alert for you. You climb between her legs when you feel her stirring, and pull at the fabric barely holding her back. Her cock springs loose and you giggle, leaving tiny kisses up and down her shaft. She inhales sharply, briefly rendered docile by your talents. You take all of her suddenly and her hips buck in surprise at the warmth of your mouth. </p>
<p>"Fuck, kitten that feels incredible..." she moans, her fingers brushing through your curls as you work up and down with clean precision. You feel her cock beginning to twitch, and smile to yourself as much as you can with a full mouth. Her breath speeds up and you know she's not going to last much longer. You press and hold yourself to the base of her cock and she erupts with a yelp.</p>
<p>"Don't swallow yet," she says when her shuddering subsides. She sits up and pulls you in for a kiss. Of course. Daddy fucking loves kissing you with a mouthful of cum. She licks up all the strands that spilled from the sides of your lips and spits them back onto your eager tongue. "Now you can swallow," she grins.</p>
(if: (visited: "Time to sleep") is false)[ [[Time to sleep]]<br> ]
(display: "Staycation Activities")
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>Daddy rummages about the closet and proffers her finds before you, beaming.</p>
[[A stack of grown up coloring books]]<br>
[[A Lego Medieval Blacksmith set]]<br>
[[A Golden Girls edition of Clue]]
(set: $morning to false, $afternoon to true)
(set: $firstlunchcourse to (a: "duck rillettes", "saucisson sec", "sopressata", "jamon iberico"))
(set: $staycationlunchone to (random: 1,4))
(set: $secondlunnchcourse to (a: "manchego", "comté", "fontina val d'aosta", "point reyes toma"))
(set: $staycationlunchtwo to (random: 1,4))
(set: $thirdlunchcourse to (a: "a crusty baguette", "cheese straws", "sourdough", "focaccia"))
(set: $staycationlunchthree to (random: 1,4))
(set: $snackplateone to $firstlunchcourse's $staycationlunchone)
(set: $snackplatetwo to $secondlunnchcourse's $staycationlunchtwo)
(set: $snackplatethree to $thirdlunchcourse's $staycationlunchthree)
<p>Daddy pulls together a snack plate so your appetites won't be ruined for dinner. It's piled high with nuts, $snackplateone, $snackplatetwo, and $snackplatethree. There's mustards, jams, and some graps which she insists on feeding to you like Hedonismbot. You enjoy your primitive feast sprawled on the couch like the monsters you are. That really hit the spot!</p>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<!--add a lunch variable so you know not to give Sammie two different lunch options -->
} {
<p>What kind of cock does Daddy have? (input: bind $cock, "E.g. horse, knotted, uncut")</p>
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/moonbridge.png"></p>
<p>Daddy takes you by the hand and leads you to the Japanese Tea Gardens. You meander along the stone pathways through the forest dotted with koi filled ponds. Daddy steals a kiss on one of the wooden bridges. After you visit the zen garden and the pagoda, Daddy takes you on a stroll around Stow Lake. You pass the waterfall and watch the turtles and ducks before approaching the boathouse. </p>
[[You're feeling romantic]]<br>
[[You are suddenly ravenously hungry->You're feeling pretty hungry right about now]]
(set: $morning to false, $afternoon to true)
<p>Daddy takes you to Spruce, a Michelin star restaurant for a special Valentine's Day afternoon tasting menu. The interior manages to feel both refined and casual in that particular San Francisco way, where neither suits nor athleisure are out of place. Your server manages to magically appear only when you need them, never hovering, giving the impression of total privacy. Course after course comes accompanied by wine, in portions that feel plentiful without leaving you heavy. You choose the
(set: $fancylunch to (a: "oysters and caviar", "truffle velouté and sunchoke ravioli", "sea bass with crab fondue", "truffle roasted pheasant", "strip steak with dauphinoise potatoes"))
(set: _fancylunchchoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind _fancylunchchoice, ...$fancylunch)
(set: $fancylunchdessert to (a: "chocolate tartelette", "pistachio paris-brest"))
(set: _fancylunchdessertchoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind _fancylunchdessertchoice, ...$fancylunchdessert)
for dessert. Daddy has the (print: $fancylunch's ((random: 1, 5))) and (print: $fancylunchdessert's ((random: 1, 2)))—and of course lets you steal bites. </p>
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)[ <p>Thank god you don't still have that vibrator in, or this would've been a <i>long</i> meal.</p> ]
<p>After a lovely meal you're ready to see what else Daddy has in store. </p>
[[You'd like to relax for a while.]]<br>
(unless: (visited: "You're feeling adventurous"))[ [[You're feeling adventurous]] ]
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/stowlake.png"></p>
<p>Daddy takes you on a rowboat trip around the lake. You pass the waterfall and the Chinese Pavillion. She stops under a stone bridge and pulls you in for a kiss. </p>
[[You're feeling pretty hungry right about now]]
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/kabuki.png"></p>
<p>Your Uber drops you off in a unremarkable part of town next to what appears to be an overpass. Banners on the streetlights tell you you're in Japantown. The sign above the entrance says Kabuki Springs & Spa. Once inside you smell chlorine and eucalyptus. Daddy checks you in at the front desk and asks if you've ever been to a public bath before. You shake your head no, and she smiles and takes your hand. </p>
<p>"Nothing to be nervous about kitten, I'll show you exactly what to do. I bought out all the reservations to ensure we'd have the place to ourselves. Follow me, you're going to feel so good when we're done!" she reassures you.</p>
<p>The first stop is a locker room, where you both strip down and leave your things. Next is a shower which you can either do standing or sitting. Daddy washes her hair and then yours, gently rubbing your scalp. You follow her to a hot pool and soak for ten minutes. You feel all the stress of the last week draining away in the water. Then she pulls you over to another pool, and insists on a brief cold plunge. </p>
<p>"Fucking cold, Daddy!" you squeal. She just smiles, but you have to admit, you do feel more awake. </p>
<p>From there you grab some towels and head into the sauna, where you're gloriously warm again. You lean back against the wood and Daddy rubs your shoulders from the bench above yours. Just as you're starting to feel a little sleepy, she gives you both an exfoliating scrub before a quick warm rinse, and drags you back to the cold pool. </p>
<p>"Kitten, it's part of the process!" she insists as you glare. In you go again, freezing your ass off. Still, you can't help but smile when she says "Good girl." Luckily the cold pool is immediately followed by a return trip to the sauna. Once you're both very sweaty, Daddy rinses you off again and gives you a look. </p>
<p>"No, not again!" you yelp, as she pushes you back into the cold pool and slides in after you. You're surprised to see this cold water has done nothing to diminish Daddy's...endowment. She takes you by the hand again and into the hot pool you go. Finally, you can be done with that fucking cold water...unless...why is Daddy looking at you like that? Nooooo! </p>
<p>"Yes kitten, one last time. Yes, yes, I know 'you bitch, etc.' get it out of your system." Into the cold water you both go, and you don't bother trying to hide your pout, which she finds adorable. She grabs you both towels and leads you to a set of loungers, handing you a glass of fruity water and encouraging you to rehydrate. You relax here for a while with cucumbers on your eyes, and contemplate how you'll murder Daddy if she makes you go in the cold pool again. You think you might be ready for a nap when Daddy gently touches your shoulder and says she's arranged a couples massage.</p>
<p>The two of you head into a candle filled room with two tables. You lie face down and pull up sheets for your lower half. For the next hour and twenty minutes two massage therapists rub herbal oil into your muscles until you feel like your body has just about melted away. Afterwards you get dressed and dry your hair, newly invigorated.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Private suspension class"))[ [[Daddy has a suggestion for your freshly limber muscles->Private suspension class]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You're feeling adventurous"))[ [[You'd like to see the sunset->Sunset sailing cruise]]<br> ]
[[It's been a long day, somehow you're ready to eat again->You're ready for dinner]]
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/bridgesunset.png"></p>
<p>You really should've known when you said you wanted to see the sunset that Daddy would take you out on a boat, she loves the water. You suppose it's an upgrade from the windy park with a million stairs. She picks up some dramamine by the pier just in case, and the two of you board a catamaran just big enough for you to not worry about it flipping over—mostly. </p>
<p>The sailboat cruises around Alcatraz and Daddy can't resist pulling up a video of the time a Great White Shark popped out of the water and ate a sea lion here in front of a boat just like this one. How...reassuring. You can't believe people swim in the freezing (and occasionally shark infested) water from the island back to San Francisco. Daddy tells you that while Alcatraz is fun for an overnight stay or an art show, it's otherwise very boring and disappointingly unhaunted. </p>
<p>The yacht makes its way under the bridge, the sunset glowing pink and purple behind the Marin Headlands, and the captain hands you both a glass of champagne as you recline on the trampoline between hulls. Daddy's got you wrapped up tight in her arms. You follow the coast just past the bridge, and make your way back, up past Sausalito and down again along the other side of Alcatraz to the Wharf. </p>
[[You're not quite hungry just yet->Private suspension class]]<br>
[[You're ready for dinner]]
<p>Daddy was cryptic about where you're going next. She promised you wouldn't have to do much except "hang out" and that we'd build more than one kind of appetite. The two of you are dropped off in front of what looks like a creepy old warehouse, but in the Mission that could be anything from a fashion studio to fancy plant store. When you step inside a woman covered in tattoos asks you to take your shoes off. Once you get your bearings you see a large open space full of mats, with carabiner connected ropes dangling from the ceiling. Hanging around indeed, Daddy. You roll your eyes at her earlier pun, you should've known. You're here for a private Shibari suspension lesson. </p>
<p>Daddy is in her element. She explains to the instructor which knots she knows and what ties she's done before, but that she's always done suspensions with a spotter, usually someone more experienced. The instructor decides to start with a basic side suspension, after spending a few minutes on safety and warning signs for nerve damage. You lie on the ground and Daddy ties your arms behind your back, looping the rope around your chest, above and below your breasts and then over the inside arm. You feel both Daddy's and the instructor's hands moving over your clothed body. Both your legs are put into a frog tie, one pointing upward and one pointing down. She ties a column along your spine and attaches the two configurations. You hear the click of two carabiners and feel yourself lifting off the ground. After a minute of hoisting you find your center line exactly level with Daddy's groin. She could attack any of your little holes she pleased and there's not a single thing you could do about it. You're snug, but your weight feels evenly distributed and you're about as comfortable as you can be immobilized. Daddy grins. "Yes, this will do nicely," she says, planting her palms on your cheeks and giving you a chaste kiss. </p>
<p>She gently lowers and unties you, giving you a bottle of water to drink while she rubs your limbs and checks for any sore spots.</p>
<p>Now it's time for someting more complex and...<i>restrictive</i>. Daddy has you sit cross legged on the mat and ties a snug pentagram harness around your chest, repeating the paths a few times until each line of the harness is made of multiple bands. Then she binds your wrists and threads them through your legs, which she pulls close to your chest. You're starting to feel a bit like a pretzel now, and feel yourself raised from the ground. After a few hoists, Daddy ties the ends to a beam and comes to inspect her work. Her body presses against your back and she whispers in your ear "How does this feel, kitten?" The main thing you feel...is her cock pressing up against your ass, and you realize in this position she can easily fuck your ass or pussy while still kissing you, or anything else she wants to do.</p>
<p>"Good...?" you answer, blushing. She gives you a playful smack on the behind before untying the pulley rope and lowering you. After a few minutes regaining your bearings she asks what you'd like to do next.</p>
(unless: (visited: "You'd like to relax for a while."))[ [[Your body is feeling a bit sore and you'd like to relax for a while->You'd like to relax for a while.]]<br> ]
[[You're ready for dinner]]
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/helicopter.png"></p>
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter +1)
<p>As your Uber crosses the Golden Gate Bridge you wonder what Daddy could possibly have planned on this side of the Bay on an afternoon. North of the bridge is usually an all day affair. The typical thick blanket of fog clinging to the towers isn't out today, it's unbelievably clear. After you come out of the tunnel you pull up to a small building on the water with signs that say Seaplane Adventures. She leads you inside and soon you're handed a headset. You're going on a helicopter tour of the Bay. Is this...safe? Daddy squeezes your hand and whispers with a mischievous grin, "they do these every day, but if our helicopter crashes I promise not to let the sharks eat you." Leave it to her to plan something so extra.</p>
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)
<p>Your first thought as the helicopter motors to life is <i>this is fucking loud!</i>
If you still had that vibrator in you probably wouldn't even be able to feel it over this rumbling. Soon you're high off the ground and flying over downtown Sausalito. You pass over the Golden Gate Bridge, neighborhoods full of painted Victorian houses, Golden Gate Park, City Hall, Nob Hill, downtown, the ball park and the Bay Bridge. Soon you're circling Treasure Island, over the Ferry Building, past Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz, and Angel Island. You've seen some of these sights before, but everything seems so small when you can cram it into 45 minutes. As the helicopter makes its way back to Marin you fly along the Headlands and it's breathtaking. Not only did you survive, but you feel...exhilarated! When you hop out of the helicopter Daddy pulls you in for a big hug. </p>
(else: )
<p>Your first thought as the helicopter motors to life is <i>this is fucking loud!</i> Soon you're high off the ground and flying over downtown Sausalito. You pass over the Golden Gate Bridge, neighborhoods full of painted Victorian houses, Golden Gate Park, City Hall, Nob Hill, downtown, the ball park and the Bay Bridge. Soon you're circling Treasure Island, over the Ferry Building, past Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz, and Angel Island. You've seen some of these sights before, but everything seems so small when you can cram it into 45 minutes. As the helicopter makes its way back to Marin you fly along the Headlands and it's breathtaking. Not only did you survive, but you feel...exhilarated! When you hop out of the helicopter Daddy pulls you in for a big hug. </p>
(unless: (visited: "You're feeling pretty hungry right about now"))[ [[You're feeling pretty hungry right about now]]<br> ]
[[Daddy cryptically suggests "hanging out"->Private suspension class]]<br>
[[You'd like to relax for a while.]]
<!--check wearablevibrator is working right.-->{
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/sunsetskyline.png"></p>
<!-- what did daddy order -->
(set: $firstdinnercourse to (a: "yuca fries", "ceviche", "fried plantains", "chicharrones"))
(set: $fancydinnerone to (random: 1,4))
(set: $seconddinnercourse to (a: "fish tacos", "potato tacos", "quesabirria tacos"))
(set: $fancydinnertwo to (random: 1,3))
(set: $thirddinnercourse to (a: "squash blossom quesadillas", "chicken meatballs", "fried chicken thighs", "beef empanadas"))
(set: $fancydinnerthree to (random: 1,4))
(set: $eltechomealone to $firstdinnercourse's $fancydinnerone)
(set: $eltechomealtwo to $seconddinnercourse's $fancydinnertwo)
(set: $eltechomealthree to $thirddinnercourse's $fancydinnerthree)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Private suspension class")
<p>You step out into the evening air, it's not quite dark yet there's still a glow on the horizon. Daddy takes your hand and you walk a few blocks to Mission Street where a line is queued up beside the movie theater. They unclip the barrier ropes and let you through to an elevator that says El Techo. You're in a casual rooftop restaurant with a gorgeous view of the city in three directions. Daddy grabs you a table and orders you margaritas with chips and guac. </p>
(else: )
<p>Your Uber drops you off on Mission Street. You step out into the evening air, it's not quite dark yet there's still a glow on the horizon. Daddy takes your hand and you walk to where a line is queued up beside the movie theater. They unclip the barrier ropes and let you through to an elevator that says El Techo. You're in a casual rooftop restaurant with a gorgeous view of the city in three directions. Daddy grabs you a table and orders you margaritas with chips and guac. </p>
<p>"I don't think either of us are tequila gals, but trust me you'll be glad you had one with this food. This isn't the fanciest place, especially after the rest of today, but I know you'll like everything here. Plus...I wanted to show you a view as breathtaking as you are," she says.</p>
<p>When the server comes back with your drinks you order $eltechomealone, $eltechomealtwo, and $eltechomealthree—with alfajores for dessert.</p>
<!-- if you stayed home today -->
(if: (visited: "Roll out of bed and brush your teeth, today's just another day"))
[ <p>She takes your hand and says, "How was work today, kitten? I bet it feels good to get out!" You tell her about your day and she rubs your palm with her thumb, looking at you with pure adoration. When you finish she says "I'm so proud of you, you work so hard and I can't wait to see where it takes you."</p> ]
<!-- if you didn't stay home -->
(else: )
[ <p>She takes your hand and says "It's been so nice to get to spend a whole day with you."</p> ]
<!-- if you got busy at the aquarium -->
(if: $aquariumblowjob is true)
(if: $wearablevibrator is true)
[<p>"I never thought I'd get naughty in a museum Daddy, you're just full of surprises. That vibrator was wicked and I'll have my revenge when you least expect it!" you reply. </p>]
(else: )
[<p>"I never thought I'd get naughty in a museum Daddy, you're just full of surprises," you reply. </p>]
<p>You dig into the delicious pile of food that appears before you and watch the stars come out. You're ready for anything.</p>
[[Did somebody say whiskey?]]<br>
[[You're feeling mischievous]]<br>
[[Take me home, Daddy]]
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/bourbon.png"></p>
<p>Daddy calls an Uber and soon you're whisked away downtown. You wonder if there's been kind of mistake, it's eerily quiet and there's nothing here. But Daddy sidles up to an unmarked door and says the word "books." It opens. You're in what appears to be...a library? Daddy nudges a book forward from one of the shelves and the whole fixture swings open. She pulls you inside a tiny bar, which specializes in whiskey cocktails. Any whiskey you can think of, they have. Naturally the bartender—excuse you, <i>mixologist</i>— is wearing sleeve garters and dressed like they're ready to serve the gold rush. Only San Francisco would have a hidden bar within an already hidden bar. Apparently, there's yet another hidden bar beneath this one but it feels too much like a basement for Daddy's liking. You grab your drinks and snuggle close on a red velvet settee. For a while you reminisce about the remarkable day you've had together, and before you know it your drink is empty. You're pleasantly warm from the alcohol and her hand on your knee.</p>
(if: (visited: "A stuffed albino alligator"))
[[The night is young->You're feeling mischievous]] <br>
[[Take me home, Daddy]]
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/citadel.png"></p>
<p>You're only in a car for a few minutes before you find yourself standing in front of a nondescript red door. You walk in and Daddy pulls a card out of her wallet and hands it to the door person who gives you two masquerade masks before waving you inside. Oh...<i>oh!</i> Daddy brought you to a sex club. </p>
<p>"Kitten, before you get nervous we're only here to watch tonight. I want you all to myself but I thought this might...whet your appetite," she whispers in your ear. "However, in order to make it abundantly clear you are mine and mine alone, I've brought something that should help us both feel a little more comfortable." </p>
<p>She pulls out one of your collars and a leash. It's the simple black Italian leather one with a gold o-ring dangling from the front. The leash is matching black leather with a gold chain. "Allow me," she says, and you turn around for her to buckle the clasp. A familiar, soothing, feeling washes over you as she turns you around and clips you to the leash. She's got it wrapped around her wrist and pulls you in for a kiss. "Much better, now everyone knows what's <i>mine</i>." You put on your masks and enter the space. You're in a mezzanine lounge full of people mostly socializing, and a few couples—and throuples—making out. </p>
<p>Daddy leads you up to the railing and below you see a stage lit from the floor with two double sided Saint Andrew's crosses and various spanking benches. You see girls and boys getting flogged and fucked. </p>
<p>"Would you like to get closer?" she asks, and you nod shyly. She brings you downstairs, and you see the space is much larger than you could tell from upstairs. There's plenty of places to watch without being the center of attention. There's also a full row of sex swings, cages, and crosses that aren't visible above. You see several types of scaffolding that leave you completely puzzled as to their purpose, along with some kind of bizarre waist height swinging wood platform about four feet around. Daddy takes you by the leash to one of the leather couches against the wall, and pulls you onto her lap. </p>
<p>You watch as a slender girl tied to the cross, ass bright red from a paddle, takes one of the biggest cocks you've ever seen. She looked like she wanted to scream, but since she's gagged all that comes out is a long string of drool. "Like what you see, kitten?" Daddy asks, "Why don't you watch her for a little while and think about what I'm going to do to you later." She kisses her way down your throat as one of her hands finds your breast and the other moves perilously up your thigh.</p>
(if: $cock is " ") [ <p>After who knows how long in Daddy's arms, you're beginning to feel like jelly and you can't take much more of her cock grinding against your ass. You need her inside you. <i>Now.</i></p> ]
(else: ) [ <p>After who knows how long in Daddy's arms, you're beginning to feel like jelly and you can't take much more of her $cock cock grinding against your ass. You need her inside you. <i>Now.</i></p> ]
[[Take me home, Daddy]]
<!-- score -->
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
(if: $sexcounter > 3) [ <p>Somehow, after all the naughtiness today, you are still indescribably horny.</p> ]
(if: (visited: "You're ready for dinner"))
<!-- Coming from fancy date -->
<p>You've had a wonderful night, but you need Daddy <i>now</i>, and you could tell from the wolfish way she was looking at you in the Uber you're in for quite a night. Once you're home she tells you to go get ready, she's left you some things in the bedroom.</p>
(else-if: (visited: "Dinner"))
<!-- coming from unfussy date -->
<p>You've had a wonderful night, but you need Daddy <i>now</i>, and you could tell from the wolfish way she was looking at you in the Uber you're in for quite a night. Once you're home she tells you to go get ready, she's left you some things in the bedroom.</p>
(else: )
<!-- coming from home -->
<p>You've got something of a second wind...or maybe it's a third...or fourth? In any case, you and Daddy can't get enough of each other today, and you are hungry for more. She tells you to give her a few minutes, and you hear the rustling sounds of bags and <i>those</i> chests coming from the bedroom. She emerges a few moments later and tells you to go get ready, she's left some things for you.</p>
<p>In the bedroom you find the lights off, but many candles burning. On the bed is a bag labeled "Open me first" beside a trunk labeled "Open me second." Curious. You pick up the black shopping bag and the post-it falls off, you see a gold foil Honey Birdette logo. </p>
[[Choose your battle armor->Choose outfit]]
<p>You grab a book of wizards and Daddy takes a book of dinosaurs. She places a huge set of markers and an even bigger set of colored pencils in front of you. You connect your phone to the HomePod and put on some music. Daddy can't help but add a meteor to all her pages and terror-stricken expressions to the dinosaurs' faces. </p>
<p>"What? It's called realism!" she protests when you raise an eyebrow. </p>
<p>"And the mustaches?" you ask.</p>
<p>She scoffs. "Obviously, they're <i>stylish</i> dinosaurs." </p>
<p>After an hour of coloring your creative itch is sufficiently scratched. </p>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<p>After about an hour you have a complete blacksmith shop. It's a miracle you finished, given Daddy kept initiating raids with her Lego pirate set, which you had to thwart with Lego Gandalf. Lego pirate corpses lie at the feet of your tiny blacksmith, along with a pile of tiny coins spilling from a treasure chest. </p>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
<p>Daddy is...<i>excited!</i> And, well now that you think about it so are you. You grind against her, pressing your ass just so until you hear her inhale sharply. You giggle.</p>
[[Daddy's fingers creep down your belly]]<br>
[[You turn around and tell Daddy to stand up]]
(if: $activitycounter is < 3)
(unless: (visited: "Musée Mécanique"))[ [[Let's play some games!->Musée Mécanique]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Rollerskating"))[ [[Daddy asks how good your balance is->Rollerskating]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Vibrator Museum"))[ [[Daddy mentions something...educational->Vibrator Museum]]<br> ]
(unless: (passage:)'s name is "Picnic")[ (unless: (passage:)'s name is "Lunch")[[Your stomach is growling->Lunch]] ]
(else-if: $activitycounter is > 2 and $morning is true)
(unless: (passage:)'s name is "Lunch")[ [[Your stomach is growling->Lunch]] ]
(else-if: $activitycounter is < 5 and $afternoon is true)
(unless: (visited: "Musée Mécanique"))[ [[Let's play some games!->Musée Mécanique]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Rollerskating"))[ [[Daddy asks how good your balance is->Rollerskating]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Vibrator Museum"))[ [[Daddy mentions something...educational->Vibrator Museum]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Ghost tour"))[ [[Daddy suggests a mini adventure->Ghost tour]]<br> ]
[[You're ready for dinner->Dinner]]
(else-if: $activitycounter is > 4 and $afternoon is true)
[[You're ready for dinner->Dinner]]
<!-- Keeping for working visited passage logic
(visited: "Lunch")
or (passage:)'s name is "Picnic"
or (history:)'s last is "Picnic"
)[ [[Lunch]] ]
Let's play some games!->
Daddy asks how good your balance is->
Daddy mentions something...educational->
Your stomach is growling->
Daddy suggests a mini adventure->
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/baker.png"></p>
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
<p>You mention to Daddy how empty the beach seems. She explains that just on the other side of some rocks is a nudist area, so you'll almost certainly have it to yourself all morning. The blanket you're sitting on is big and heavy, unlikely to move or get sand everywhere. Your hand glides across Daddy's thigh where you find a growing bulge.</p>
(display: "Daddy's cock")
[[You pull at Daddy's waistband]]<br>
[[Daddy is on you in an instant]]<br>
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 2)
<p>You should have known when you told Daddy you were really feeling the ocean today she'd interpret this request very...interactively. Soon, an Uber has deposited you in Sausalito and you're strapping on a life vest. Luckily Daddy packed for anything and brought you warm, water resistant clothes—and heaps of sunscreen. After a short orientation from the guide company, Daddy is launching your two seater kayak. She looks positively elated. You might be nervous if she hadn't done this before, but you know you're safe in her hands. </p>
<p>The two of you paddle along the coast near the shore, stopping periodically at the guide's behest to enjoy the views of the San Francisco Bay. You appreciate how much restraint Daddy must be exercising to not remind you about the occasional Great White Sharks in the Bay—you'll never unsee that video of the one eating a sea lion in front of Alcatraz—luckily it's not shark season right now. It's a beautiful, sunny day. The water is calm and dotted with sailboats, paddle boarders, and pelicans diving for fish. An occasional sea lion approaches begging for snacks, and Daddy gently shoos it away owing to their toxic bites. She delights in rattling off all her Bay Area marine life facts, and you smile indulgently. </p>
<p>Your voyage takes you underneath the bridge, along the Marin Headlands and back. It was a lovely day, but all that sun and activity really zapped you. </p>
[[You are starving->Lunch]]
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/musee.png"></p>
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>You've never been to Fisherman's Wharf before, everyone always warned you it was a tourist trap. You definitely do not expect the Uber to drop you here. "Whatever you do, ignore any bushes," Daddy says cryptically. She takes you by the hand past some guys playing steel drums, someone selling crabs doing their best to escape—slowly, and a bunch of stalls selling various fried sea meats. You look behind you, and sure enough one of the bushes comes alive and scares the crap out of a lady in an Alcatraz sweatshirt. It stands up and harrangues her for five dollars. Right on the water you enter a huge pier shed with a sign reading: Musée Mécanique. Daddy's brought you to an antique arcade. </p>
<p>Daddy gets change from one of the machines and shows you all her favorite attractions. The Zoltar machine tells you you're destined for love. You watch someone beheaded by a tiny guillotine. On another machine you watch a slideshow of a woman from the 20s undressing in black and white. Daddy makes you play the kiss-o-meter, which instructs you to: insert coin and kiss your mate for answer. The verdict is "Hot Stuff" in letters decorated with little flames. Duh. After a few rounds of pinball you're ready to ditch the crowds. </p>
(display: "Unfussy Activities")
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/rollerdisco.png"></p>
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>When Daddy suggested something mildly active but low key you had no idea what could be on the menu. You certainly didn't expect to be dropped off in front of a...church? No, Daddy would never bring you to a church unless there was a cool graveyard or notable bejeweled skeleton, it can't be.</p>
<p>You step inside and are confronted with a bizarre looking sign reading: Church of 8 Wheels: San Francisco's Roller Disco. And sure enough, this is an old church full of neon and blacklights and people rollerskating, including drag queen nuns. The music is...not good, but you suppose that's the point. Daddy hands you a pair of skates and you're frankly shocked she'd put on used shoes, but she mumbles something about the things she does for love as she laces up. </p>
<p>Daddy is an unexpectedly adept, if unshowy skater. This is more fun than you expected. You take turns around the church for who knows how long before both your thighs are burning and you're ready to move on. </p>
(display: "Unfussy Activities")
(set: $morning to false, $afternoon to true)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Musée Mécanique")
<!-- Coming from Musee-->
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/wharf.png"></p>
<p>You can no longer resist the siren song of fried boardwalk foods. Daddy takes you to a stand with chowder bread bowls and crab and lobster rolls, beside another stand with pizza and hot dogs. Showing great resilience, Daddy orders a carton of popcorn shrimp and fries, even though she must've told you at least a hundred times about when she was swarmed by wharf seagulls who stole her lunch. You take a seat near the water and manage to eat unscathed, in spite of menacing glances from the local seagull population. She finds you a latte, though Fisherman's Wharf is not exactly known for its coffee, and you split a bag of hot and fresh cinnamon sugar mini donuts. </p>]
(else-if: (history:)'s last is "The ocean is really speaking to you today")
<!-- Coming from kayaking -->
[ <p>After all that activity Daddy decides you need something filling—and fast—and takes you to Causwells for some of the best smash burgers you've ever had. Her affection for you is so great, she even tolerates you ordering some of their fancy deviled eggs as an appetizer. You get fries and she gets onion straws so you can share. </p>] <!--add link to go home if you've been kayaking. go home interstitial is needed. -->
(else: )
<!-- Coming from downtown -->
[ <p>You walk a couple short blocks and stop in front of a sign reading "Himalayan Cuisine SF." The interior is an absolute hole in the wall, but it's clean and you have it all to yourself. There's a menu of Indian food, but Daddy orders a mountain of traditional Nepali food. There's a platter of barbecued tandoori chicken, rice with fried egg, daals, and some kind of peas you've never seen before. A basket is piled high with steaming bread. The highlight is definitely the momos, steamed dumplings in a spicy chili sauce. Everything is delicious, and luckily Daddy isn't much of a fan of goat.</p> ]
(display: "Unfussy Activities")
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 1)
<p>You're deposited onto a nondescript block on the Tenderloin and Nob Hill border. Sandwiched between a gym and a nail salon you see a sign: Good Vibrations. Did Daddy drag you all the way to the ass end of town for sex toys? She has hundreds! She leads you into the store and you think she must be buying you a new toy, but she doesn't stop. At the back of the store is a door, and inside you find an antique vibrator museum.</p>
<p>You see vibrators that take up entire suitcases, vibrators that look like old telephones, and old magazine advertisements promising cures for hysteria. The greatest medical discovery ever known indeed. There's even a Magic Wand from the 60s that wouldn't look out of place in a room of mid century furniture. </p>
<p>On the way out Daddy whispers that she'd have you pick a new toy, but everything here she doesn't already have is junk.</p>
(display: "Unfussy Activities")
(if: (visited: "Drag show") is true)
<p>Late dinner options in San Francisco are somewhat limited, but a greasy spoon is just what the doctor ordered now that you've got a few drinks in you. Daddy takes you by the hand and you walk a few...colorful blocks through the Tenderloin to Pinecrest Diner. Breakfast for dinner! Daddy can't resist a malted chocolate shake and you kiss some chocolate from her lips. It's been a wonderful day, but you're ready for home.</p>
(else: )
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/pixeltiburon.png"></p>
<p>Daddy says she wants to share one of her favorite San Francisco experiences with you, and you find yourself on the pier with two tickets for the bay ferry. It's a gorgeous sunset cruise past the bridge, and about thirty minutes later you find yourself on the Tiburon boardwalk. She leads you to the back of a place called Sam's, and onto a patio with plentiful heaters overlooking the bay. The menu is full of local seafood and typical pub fare. She gets the fish and chips with a tall beer. San Francisco and the bridge twinkle over the water, Daddy knows how to pick a view. It's been a wonderful day, but you're ready for home.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Ghost tour"))[ [[Daddy suggests a mini adventure->Ghost tour]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Drag show"))[ [[The night is still young!->Drag show]]<br> ]
[[Take me home, Daddy]]
(set: $fortune to (a: "An exciting opportunity lies ahead of you", "Help! I'm being held prisoner in a fortune cookie factory!", "Plan for many pleasures ahead", "This is more of an anecdote than a fortune", "You will soon bring joy to someone", "Pick another fortune cookie", "Don't panic" ))
(set: $fortunecookie to (random: 1, 7))
(set: $fortuneoutput to $fortune's $fortunecookie)
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/chinatown.png"></p>
<p>You feel like stretching your legs a bit, and Daddy says she has just the thing. Soon your Uber is passing under the Chinatown gates where you join with a small huddle of people in front of a guide. You're here for the Chinatown ghost tour. You learn about gang wars, shoot outs, opium dens, 19th century prostitution, and feng shui (for repelling ghosts) as well as the history of some of the architecture. You stop by the fortune cookie factory and finish with some hibiscus tea. Your fortune reads '$fortuneoutput.' Hrm... Daddy periodically pulls you into alleyways to steal kisses and giggle "You've been Shanghai'd!" and tickles you for the spooky parts. The only ghosts you see are lost tourists, but it's a nice night for a walk and the history is fun. Daddy takes evil pleasure in giving the lost tourists directions to a nearby strip club, no matter where they're trying to get to. An hour and a half later the tour is over.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Dinner"))[ [[Food. Now.->Dinner]]<br> ]
[[The night is still young!->Drag show]]<br>
[[Take me home, Daddy]]
(set: $dragplaylist to (a: "Oops!...I Did It Again", "Believe", "Can't Get You Out of My Head", "Dancing on My Own", "Dancing Queen", "Material Girl", "99 Luftballoons" ))
(set: $dragsong to (random: 1, 7))
(set: $dragset to $dragplaylist's $dragsong)
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/auntcharlies.png"></p>
<p>Daddy takes you to the Tenderloin, and you're glad it's dark so you can't see whatever is on this sidewalk. She ushers you inside a tiny dive with large neon letters over the bar: Aunt Charlie's. You wonder if the popcorn in the machine by the door is as old as the rest of this place, and note the thick layer of dust covering the claw machine stuffies. Daddy ushers you to a tall bar table at the front bearing a "Reserved" sign. "That's us!" she says cheerfully, before taking your drink order. Better keep it simple here. Daddy explains you've got the best seat in the house, you're right next to the stage—which as far as you can tell is just a set of curtains. </p>
<p>Soon the place is packed and you're grateful for your cozy seat away from the crowd. The lights dim lower and Daddy shoves a stack of dollar bills into your hands. "It will make sense in a minute," she shouts over the music. The curtain parts, and soon the oldest—and biggest—drag queen you've ever seen twirls forth. She does a spirited lip-sync to $dragset before strutting down the aisle. Ah, so that's what the singles are for. Daddy holds one aloft and the queen stuffs it into her bra. The host bills herself as "The $65,000 Silicone Wonder" and the performances are a mix of ancient torch songs, club jams, and 90s hits. The queens are mostly very very old and in varying states of Vegas showgirl and hot mess. It is a singularly San Francisco experience. Daddy nuzzles into your neck, and with a flush you're suddenly feeling very ready to go. </p>
(if: (visited: "Dinner") is false)
[ [[Food. Now.->Dinner]]<br> ]
(else: )
[ [[Take me home, Daddy]] ]
(set: $blowjobcounter to $blowjobcounter + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to $cumcounter_throat + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Hmm this beach is awfully private")
(set: $unfussyblowjobonly to true)
<p>Daddy's $cock cock twitches at your touch and you giggle, emboldened. You've never had to ask her twice. She leans back on her elbows, eyebrow raised, while you settle yourself between her legs.</p>
<p>"My, my, Sammie. Aren't we a naughty girl this morning?" she teases. </p>
<p>With a small tug to her waistband, she springs forth fully erect. You plant a tiny kiss to the tip before licking up and down her shaft. Just as she lets out a tiny groan you take her fully, and the groan becomes a whimper. </p>
<p>"Fuck that feels so good," she moans, while you work cleanly and expertly. </p>
<p>You taste those first salty drops of precum and feel her throbbing. Daddy never lasts long when you take her by surprise. The next thing you know, she's got a fistful of your curls, and is holding you down on the base of her cock as she explodes down your throat. </p>
<p>She pulls you in for a kiss, and chuckles "I hope the dolphins enjoyed their show." </p>
[[Daddy is on you in an instant]]
[[You're both spent]]
(else-if: (history:)'s last is "Your pussy" )
<p>Daddy cares not where you are or who might stumble onto this beach. When she's like this, you've found it's best to try and enjoy the ride and let her mood run its course. She'll have you however she wants. Daddy pushes you down, straddles your shoulders, and fucks your throat like the brute she is.</p>
<p>"Taste yourself, kitten," she growls, thrusting deeper, "taste how much you love me streching your pretty little pussy wide open on a public beach."</p>
<p>So far her movements haven't been hard enought to make you gag more than a little burble, but she's starting to lose control.</p>
<p>"Fuck Sammie your throat feels incredible," she groans, and you feel a tell-tale twitching between your gags.</p>
<p>She holds herself there, and soon streams of her cum erupt down your throat, hot and salty.</p>
[[Daddy's not done->Daddy is on you in an instant]]<br>
[[You're both spent]]
(else-if: (history:)'s last is "Your ass" )
<p>Daddy cares not where you are or who might stumble onto this beach. When she's like this, you've found it's best to try and enjoy the ride and let her mood run its course. She'll have you however she wants. Daddy pushes you down, straddles your shoulders, and fucks your throat like the brute she is.</p>
<p>"Taste yourself, kitten," she growls, thrusting deeper, "taste how much you love me fucking your gorgeous little ass."</p>
<p>So far her movements haven't been hard enought to make you gag more than a little burble, but she's starting to lose control.</p>
<p>"Fuck Sammie your throat feels incredible," she groans, and you feel a tell-tale twitching between your gags.</p>
<p>She holds herself there, and soon streams of her cum erupt down your throat, hot and salty.</p>
[[Daddy's not done->Daddy is on you in an instant]]<br>
[[You're both spent]]
(else: )
<p>Daddy cares not where you are or who might stumble onto this beach. When she's like this, you've found it's best to try and enjoy the ride and let her mood run its course. She'll have you however she wants. Daddy pushes you down, straddles your shoulders, and fucks your throat like the brute she is.</p>
<p>"Take it, kitten," she growls, thrusting deeper, "take every inch of this big fat daddy dick."</p>
<p>So far her movements haven't been hard enought to make you gag more than a little burble, but she's starting to lose control.</p>
<p>"Fuck Sammie your throat feels incredible," she groans, and you feel a tell-tale twitching between your gags.</p>
<p>She holds herself there, and soon streams of her cum erupt down your throat, hot and salty.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Daddy fucks your ass"))[ [[Daddy's not done, she wants your ass->Daddy fucks your ass]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Daddy fucks your pussy"))[ [[Daddy's not done, she wants your pussy->Daddy fucks your pussy]]<br> ]
[[You're both spent]]
<!-- test all logic -->{
(set: $unfussyblowjobonly to false)
<p>You let out a gasp as you're suddenly pinned between Daddy and the blanket. She's grinning down at you, holding your wrists above your head, your hips locked in place with her knees. You didn't exactly expect to provoke this kind of reaction—after all, while nobody's here now, somebody could theoretically show up—but it is within known norms. No matter, you can see the hunger in her eyes and you know better than to protest when Daddy's ravenous. She grinds her waist into you and you feel her $cock cock twitch. </p>
[[Daddy fucks your ass]]<br>
[[Daddy fucks your pussy]]<br>
[[Daddy wants your mouth->You pull at Daddy's waistband]]
<!-- add logic for when visiting any of these links twice:
Daddy isn't done with your mouth.
Daddy isn't done with your ass.
Daddy isn't done with your pussy.
(set: $unfussyblowjobonly to false)
<!-- score -->
(set: $assfuck to $assfuck + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_ass to $cumcounter_ass +1)
<p>You know that look, you've really done it now. Daddy's nostrils flare and she lets out a low growl. She flips you over keeping your wrists pinned with one hand, and yanking your pants and panties down with the other. You're grateful the blanket pressed against your cheek right now is a soft one. And then you feel it, one hard push against your little backdoor. You cannot believe Daddy is fucking your little ass, right here on this beach—which is luckily still completely empty. Taking you unawares like this, you feel so incredibly full, whimpering in unison with her grunts. She's fucking you hard and fast.</p>
<p>Pressing her weight into you, she whispers hoarsely in your ear "You're mine, kitten. <i>Anywhere</i> I want, you are always <b>mine</b>."</p>
<p>Her hips slam into your little cheeks and you feel it, she's exploding deep in your ass. Jesus, you hope she packed you a change of underwear and isn't planning for you to walk around all day leaking cum—though it wouldn't be the first time. She rolls you back over, gently this time, and kisses you like you have all the time in the world, because today you do.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Daddy fucks your pussy"))[ [[Daddy's not done, she wants your pussy->Daddy fucks your pussy]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You pull at Daddy's waistband"))[ [[Daddy's not done, she wants your mouth->You pull at Daddy's waistband]]<br> ]
[[You're both spent]]
(set: $unfussyblowjobonly to false)
<!-- score -->
(set: $pussyfuck to $pussyfuck + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to $cumcounter_pussy +1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
<p>Uh oh, Daddy wants you <i>now</i>, you've really done it this time. Her eyes flash with pure possessive lust. Her jaw set hard, she pins your wrists with one hand and yanks both pants and panties down with the other. You're very glad there isn't any sand on this blanket right about now. Daddy's $cock cock brushes your wet little lips before finding its target. In one firm thrust you are fully impaled on her. You cannot believe Daddy is fucking your little pussy right here on this beach—which is luckily still completely empty. Your worries, however, take a back seat to how so incredibly full you feel right now. You whimper in unison with Daddy's grunts. She's fucking you hard and fast, but has the wherewithal to let go of one of your hands so you can finish alongside her. </p>
<p>Pressing her weight into you, she whispers hoarsely in your ear "You're mine, kitten. <i>Anywhere</i> I want, you are always <b>mine</b>."</p>
<p>No sooner do your fingers find your soaked clit than her hips slam into you and you feel it, she's exploding hot and thick, deep in your pussy. It sends you right over the edge. Daddy starts sliding down your body as you ride out the last of your aftershocks. For a brief moment you wonder what she's up to, and then you feel her thumbs parting you. <i>Oh!</i> She works her tongue inside you, occasionally pressing your belly until she has what she wants. You know what's expected of you, and you open your mouth in anticipation. Slowly, in long strands, Daddy dribbles all of that cum right into your mouth. You swallow and show her the results.</p>
<p>"Good girl," she purs, pulling you into a deep kiss.</p>
(unless: (visited: "Daddy fucks your ass"))[ [[Daddy's not done, she wants your ass->Daddy fucks your ass]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You pull at Daddy's waistband"))[ [[Daddy's not done, she wants your mouth->You pull at Daddy's waistband]]<br> ]
[[You're both spent]]
(if: $unfussyblowjobonly is true)
<p>"Thank you for a lovely morning, kitten," Daddy says, looking a bit dazed but happy. "Nothing makes me feel like you do." </p>
<p>You smile to yourself at a job well done. She always feels a little sex drunk after you've worked your magic, like you drained every thought out of her head right through her cock. You should go for picnics more often, this was nice! You dust off while Daddy packs up to head out.</p>
(else: )
<p>You weren't anticipating such an...active morning, but you can't say you have any regrets. You both feel relaxed and refreshed, but you think you've had enough beach for one morning. You dust yourself off while Daddy packs up to head out. </p>
(display: "Unfussy Activities")
<!-- score -->
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $fingered to $fingered + 1)
<p>You relax into Daddy as her hand gently slips between your legs. She kisses your throat, and you reach behind her head to pull her even closer. Her fingers slowly circle around your clit, occasionally dipping lower to tease your entrance but not quite sliding all the way in. She works faster and her kisses become hungrier, her teeth sinking into your soft skin. You were already getting close, and then her other hand finds your breast. She kneads, twists, and pinches until you're cumming all over her hand. Water splashes out over the sides of the tub, putting out a couple candles in the process..</p>
(unless: (visited: "You turn around and tell Daddy to stand up"))[ [[You turn around and tell Daddy to stand up]]<br> ]
[[Daddy has another surprise for you]]
<!-- score -->
(set: $blowjobcounter to $blowjobcounter + 1)
(set: $throatfuck to $throatfuck + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_face to $cumcounter_face + 1)
<p>It has somehow become physically impossible for you to get into this tub with Daddy and <i>not</i> suck her cock. It strikes some Pavlovian chord deep within you. She raises an eyebrow, but stands without protest, bracing her hands on the tile behind her. You've long figured out she does this so she won't immediately grab your head and start fucking. You are not at all surprised she's already fully hard and you get to work. You're in the bath already, so you may as well make it a messy one.</p>
<p>You move quickly, ignoring all the sputters and burbles. Soon Daddy's cock is dripping long strings of your spit. You know what the sound of your gags does to her. It's not long before you hear a low growl, and you grab her legs for what's to come. She takes a fistful of your hair in each hand and <i>thrusts</i>, holding herself all the way down your throat. More spit trickles out the sides of your mouth. She releases and repeats over and over again until you see her legs begin to shake. You're sure she's about to blow a hole through the back of your throat when she pulls out and presses her messy cock to your cheek. Warm jets of cum soon cover your face. She bends down and licks it off you as best she can, and cleans the rest with a washcloth. You both sink back down into the tub until the water starts to go cool.</p>
[[Daddy has another surprise for you]]
<!-- Maybe add option to ask Daddy to take you to bed if you haven't been yet? Might fuck up food or be complicated figuring out whether it's bedroom morning or afternoon fuck. -->
(unless: (visited: "You're ready for a nap"))[ [[You're ready for a nap]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Netflix is sounding pretty good right about now"))[ [[Netflix is sounding pretty good right about now]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Daddy mentions something about face masks"))[ [[Daddy mentions something about face masks]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You're in the mood for something creative"))[ [[You're in the mood for something creative]]<br> ]
<!-- conditional options. -->
(if: $activitycounter is > 2 and $morning is true)
(unless: (visited: "You're hungry"))[ [[You're hungry]]<br> ]
[[Maybe you'd like to leave the house after all today]]<br>
(else-if: $activitycounter is > 5)
(unless: (visited: "It's dinner time"))[ [[It's dinner time]] ]
<!-- if time link afternoon to bedroom afternoon fuck options -->{
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 2)
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
<p>"Daddy, I need you to fuck me. <i>Right now.</i>" you say. You see something flash in her eyes and you know Gentle Daddy is gone and Brute Daddy is here. She throws you over her shoulder without so much as a grunt and carries you to the bedroom like a viking raiding a seaside village. She tosses you onto the bed and pulls a set of cuffs from the nightstand.</p>
(if: $cock is " ")(display: "Daddy's cock")
(display: "Bedroom Morning Fuck Options")
<!-- add dynamic text for entry points from staycation if needed -->
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
(set: $blowjobcounter to $blowjobcounter + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_tits to $cumcounter_tits + 1)
(if: (visited: "Naptime Blowjob") is true )[ <p>You are so unbelievably hungry for cock today.</p> ]
(if: (visited: "Daddy is overcome by desire") is false)
<p>You slide down between Daddy's legs. She was reluctant to let you go, but lets out a happy sigh when she realizes what your game is. Her $cock cock is straining against her pants, you can see the outline of every vein through the fabric. <i>She is ready.</i> You tug at her waistband and she springs loose, a few drops of precum already leaking from her head. You're not messing around this morning, you launch a full scale attack on Daddy's pleasure. </p>
<p>"Oh fuck!" she yelps. It's not often you can take her by surprise, you smile in satisfaction. Spit drips from her balls as you slide up and down her length, until you feel the twitching you know so well. Just before she can shoot down your throat you aim her onto your chest. You know Daddy loves playing connect the dots with your freckles. She spurts rope after rope onto you, much to your delight. You squeal at how warm it is.</p>
<p>When you've milked every last drop she smiles and pulls you back onto her lap, where she proceeds to lick all of it off your tits, before spitting it back into your mouth. <i>'How many of Daddy's loads will you swallow today'</i>, you wonder? </p>
[[Daddy is overcome by desire]]<br>
(else: )
<p>You slide down between Daddy's legs. She was reluctant to let you go, but lets out a happy sigh when she realizes what your game is. Her $cock cock is throbbing, you can see each vein pulse with need. <i>She is ready.</i> A few drops of precum are already leaking from her head. You're not messing around this morning, you launch a full scale attack on Daddy's pleasure. </p>
<p>You can taste <i>exactly</i> how excited you were when Daddy fucked you. Your desire mingled with spit drips from her balls as you slide up and down her length, until you feel the twitching you know so well. Just before she can shoot down your throat you aim her onto your chest. You know Daddy loves playing connect the dots with your freckles. She spurts rope after rope onto you, much to your delight. You squeal at how warm it is.</p>
<p>When you've milked every last drop she smiles and pulls you onto her lap, where she proceeds to lick all of it off your tits, before spitting it back into your mouth. <i>'How many of Daddy's loads will you swallow today'</i>, you wonder? </p>
[[Take me to bed, Daddy->Take me to bed]] <br>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<!-- confirm sex counter works as expected -->{
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $pussyfuck to $pussyfuck + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to $cumcounter_pussy + 1)
(if: (visited: "You give daddy a blowjob.") is false)
<p>Daddy needs to be inside you. <i>Right now.</i> In an instant she's got you on your knees, bent over the back of the couch. She rips your pants off and throws them into the heap with your shirt. She doesn't even bother with your panties, simply tugging them aside. You briefly feel the tip of her $cock cock press past your little lips before she's fully hilted inside of you with another growl. You are so incredibly full. Her fingers thread through your curls and pull hard as her hips snap forward. You can feel every vein dragging along your walls as she thrusts, and it's making you very, <i>very</i> wet. Your hand slides between your legs, finding your swollen clit, though it's a little hard to keep your balance like this. As she pumps harder you rub faster, until soon you're both cumming. She holds herself there, filling you with hot spurts of cum, as you shake through your orgasm.</p>
[[You need to taste Daddy->You give daddy a blowjob.]]<br>
(else: )
<p>Daddy needs to be inside you. <i>Right now.</i> In an instant she's got you on your knees, bent over the back of the couch. She rips your pants off and throws them into the heap with your shirt. She doesn't even bother with your panties, simply tugging them aside. You briefly feel the tip of her $cock cock press past your little lips before she's fully hilted inside of you with another growl. You are so incredibly full. Her fingers thread through your curls and pull hard as her hips snap forward. You can feel every vein dragging along your walls as she thrusts, and it's making you very, <i>very</i> wet. Your hand slides between your legs, finding your swollen clit, though it's a little hard to keep your balance like this. As she pumps harder you rub faster, until soon you're both cumming. She holds herself there, filling you with hot spurts of cum, as you shake through your orgasm.</p>
[[Again Daddy!->Take me to bed]]<br>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
<!-- confirm sex counter logic works -->{
(if: (visited: "Aquarium")
and (visited: "Planetarium")
and (visited: "Natural History Museum")
and (visited: "Rainforest") is true)
[ [[You've seen the whole museum->You're ready to go]] ]
(else: ) [
(unless: (visited: "Aquarium"))[ [[Aquarium]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Planetarium"))[ [[Planetarium]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Rainforest"))[ [[Rainforest]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Natural History Museum"))[ [[Natural History Museum]]<br> ]
(unless: (passage:)'s name is "A stuffed albino alligator")[ [[You're ready to go]] ]
<!--fix logic here double displaying you're ready to go sometimes. {
<p>You look through the bag and pick the lingerie that matches your mood.</p>
(set: $lingerie to (a: "You want to be fucked like a princess", "You want to be fucked like a slut", "You want to be fucked like Daddy's perfect pet" ))
(set: $lingeriechoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind $lingeriechoice, ...$lingerie)
(link: "Suit up")
(if: $lingeriechoice is "You want to be fucked like a princess")
[ (show: ?1 ) ]
(else-if: $lingeriechoice is "You want to be fucked like a slut")
[ (show: ?2) ]
(else-if: $lingeriechoice is "You want to be fucked like Daddy's perfect pet")
[ (show: ?3) ]
<p>You slip on the pink and purple translucent Talulah set dotted with little flowers. A shiver runs through you as you pull the stockings up and clip them to your garters.</p>
[[Choose Daddy's weapons->Choose toys]]
<p>You fasten the black Whitney corset and can't help but admire what it does for your cleavage. Daddy chose well. A shiver runs through you as you pull up the black stockings and clip them to the corset. </p>
[[Choose Daddy's weapons->Choose toys]]
<p>You slip into the Sabrina purple bustier, decorating your torso with tiny purple orchid blooms. A shiver runs through you as you pull up the stockings and clip them to your top.</p>
[[Choose Daddy's weapons->Choose toys]]
<!--Outfit choices will change Daddy's dialogue. -->
<p>You flip open the small metal chest. You find a backlit assortment of toys lined up on red velvet. </p>
<p>Choose Daddy's weapons</p>
(set: $pussytoy to (a: "A big rumbly wand", "A suction toy", "A small, but manageable bullet" ))
(set: $pussytoychoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind $pussytoychoice, ...$pussytoy)
(set: $asstoy to (a: "An enormous silicone egg plug", "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug", "A cute jeweled plug" ))
(set: $asstoychoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind $asstoychoice, ...$asstoy)
(set: $bondage to (a: "A leather cuff set", "Some very soft rope"))
(set: $bondagechoice to " ")
(dropdown: bind $bondagechoice, ...$bondage)
(if: $cock is " ")(display: "Daddy's cock")
<p>You lay out all of Daddy's tools on the bed, and set the bag and trunk somewhere out of the way.</p>
[[I'm ready, Daddy.->Daddy gets you ready]]
(unless: (passage:)'s name is "Oral")[ [[Daddy eats your pretty little pussy->Oral]]<br> ]
<!-- if Daddy's already in your mouth -->
(if: (passage:)'s name is "Blowjob")
[ [[You are still hungry for cock->Blowjob]]<br> ]
(else: )[ [[You want to taste Daddy's cock->Blowjob]]<br> ]
<!-- if Daddy's already in your ass -->
(if: (passage:)'s name is "Daddy cums in your ass")
[ [[Daddy wants your ass again->Ass]] <br> ]
(else: ) [ [[Daddy needs your ass->Ass]] <br> ] <!-- this is not showing when it should, double check -->
<!-- if Daddy's already in your pussy -->
(if: (passage:)'s name is "Daddy cums in your pussy")
[ [[Daddy wants your pussy again->Pussy]] <br> ] <!-- check br is working -->
(else: )[ [[Daddy needs your pussy->Pussy]] <br> ]
(if: $specialnightcum is true)[ [[Time for sleep]] ]
<!-- turn on vibrators -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A suction toy")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")[ (set: $assvibrator to false) ]
<!-- score -->
(set: $assfuck to $assfuck + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $vibrator to $vibrator + 1)
<!-- round 1 -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Daddy gets you ready")
<p>Kneeling before you, Daddy slowly unzips the crotch of her catsuit, her $cock cock springing loose fully erect.
<!-- she positions the vibrators -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand") [ She pauses for a moment and taps her chin, considering something. Then she grabs the wand. You feel her fuss for a few moments, threading the wand between the binds and your thigh. She flips it on and grins, while you writhe beneath her. ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A suction toy") [ She grabs the suction vibrator, turns it on and gets it into place. ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet") [ She grabs the bullet and presses it to your clit. It buzzes to life. ]
<!-- second round -->
(else: )
<p>Daddy's not letting you rest tonight. You're sure she's about to attack one of your holes, but first she needs to make sure you're being vibrated to the moon and back.
<!-- she positions the vibrators -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand") [ She adjusts the wand and turns it up. ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A suction toy") [ She grabs the suction vibrator, turns it on high and maneuvers it into place over your clit. ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet") [ She grabs the bullet and presses it to your clit. It buzzes to life. ]
<!-- she takes out any ass toys -->
(set: $asstoyremoved to true)
(if: $assvibrator is true)
[ She turns the vibrating plug gradually down until it's off, and pulls it loose. You let out a little grunt. ]
(else: )
[ She gently tugs your plug free, and you let out a little grunt at the sudden emptiness. ]
<i>Oh!</i> Now you know what she's after, and you brace yourself. You soon feel the tip of her $cock cock pressing against your little backdoor and you take a deep breath. She pushes. <i>Hard.</i> She lets her iron grip on your thighs loose, you can see the red outline of her hand left behind, and grabs the headboard. She pulls nearly all the way out and thrusts again, and a loud smack reverberates through the room. With her newfound leverage the impact is much harder than you're used to. She smiles to herself, and proceeds to attack your ass. You feel thud after thud, but she still pauses at the end of every stroke to grind deep inside you. </p>
<p>If she was worried you might not feel everything over top of the vibrations, well she was very wrong. It seems Daddy is enjoying those vibrations nearly as much as you are, her motions become more frenetic and there's a shakiness to her. Daddy's close. What's she doing with her hands? The vibrator suddenly surges to its highests setting and your vision blurs. You're cumming and <i>hard.</i> Your body is wracked with what feels like a hundred earthquakes. Somehow, over all the blood rushing through your ears you hear Daddy growl.</p>
(set: _passage to (either: "Daddy cums on your tits", "Daddy cums on your face", "Daddy cums down your throat", "Daddy cums in your pussy", "Daddy cums in your ass"))
(link-goto: "Daddy's cumming <br>", _passage)
<!-- turn vibrators on -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A suction toy")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")[ (set: $assvibrator to true) ]
<!-- score -->
(set: $pussyfuck to $pussyfuck + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $vibrator to $vibrator + 1)
<!-- round 1 -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Daddy gets you ready")
<p>Kneeling before you, she slowly unzips the crotch of her catsuit, her $cock cock springing loose fully erect. Daddy is going straight for your little ginger cunt tonight. She rubs against your lips a few times, groaning, and then stops.</p>
<!-- second round -->
(else: )
[ <p>Daddy rubs her $cock cock against your pussy a few times, groaning, and then stops.</p> ]
<!-- vibrator conditionals -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand")
She pauses for a moment and taps her chin, considering something. Then she grabs the wand. You feel her fuss for a few moments, threading the handle between the binds and your thigh. She flips it on and grins, while you writhe beneath her.
<!-- if your ass toy was removed -->
(if: $asstoyremoved is true) [ Daddy grabs your plug and slides it back in.]
<!-- ass toy conditionals -->
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")
[ The competing vibrations between the two toys feel like almost too much, and she hasn't even turned them up yet. ]
(else-if: $pussytoychoice is "A suction toy")
[ She pauses for a moment and taps her chin, considering something. Then she grabs the suction vibrator, maneuvers it over your clit, and turns it on. ]
<!-- ass toy conditionals -->
(if: $assvibrator is true)
[ The competing vibrations between the two toys feel like almost too much, and she hasn't even turned them up yet. ]
(else-if: $assvibrator is false)
[ The vibrations rumble the plug in your ass and you squirm helplessly. ]
(else-if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")
<!-- if your ass toy was removed -->
(if: $asstoyremoved is true) [ Daddy grabs your plug and slides it back in.]
<!-- ass toy conditionals -->
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")
[ The competing vibrations between the two toys feel like almost too much, and she hasn't even turned them up yet. ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")
[ She pauses for a moment and taps her chin, considering something. Then she grabs the bullet vibrator, maneuvers it over your clit, and turns it on. ]
<!-- ass toy conditionals -->
(if: $assvibrator is true)
[ The competing vibrations between the two toys feel like almost too much, and she hasn't even turned them up yet. ]
(else-if: $assvibrator is false)
[ The vibrations rumble the plug in your ass and you squirm helplessly. ]
<p>Satisfied this will be a full on sensory assault for you, she thrusts. Her cock grinds against the plug inside you and it feels impossibly full.
(if: $pussyvibrator is true or $assvibrator is true)[ The vibrations are certainly having an effect on her, she throws her head back and fucks wildly. ]
It's all so <i>so</i> much. Her big hands press hard into your thighs, you wouldn't be surprised if there's still prints there tomorrow. The room fills with the sounds of your wetness and her skin slamming into yours, over and over again. When you think you just about can't take anymore she slows, rotating her hips and moving inside you with a purposeful scraping.
(if: $pussyvibrator is false and $assvibrator is false)[ She moves one hand to your clit and your brain short circuits. ]
With something between a scream and a mewl, you're cumming. Your vision completely blurs. All you can feel is something like fire, but wonderful, all over your body.</p>
(set: _passage to (either: "Daddy cums on your tits", "Daddy cums on your face", "Daddy cums down your throat", "Daddy cums in your pussy", "Daddy cums in your ass"))
(link-goto: "Daddy's cumming <br>", _passage)
<!-- turn vibrators on -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to false) ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A suction toy")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to false) ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to false) ]
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")[ (set: $assvibrator to true) ]
<!-- score -->
(set: $pussyeat to $pussyeat + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
<!-- round 1 -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Daddy gets you ready")
<p>Daddy is ravenous for your pussy this evening, she wouldn't dream of starting anywhere else. She grins and you know that look, she's about to taste her favorite thing.
<!-- second round -->
(else: )
<p>Daddy grins and you know that look, she's about to taste her favorite thing: your little pussy.
<!-- if you have the wand vibrator in she has to remove it -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand") [ She flips off the wand and nudges it out of her way. ]
<!-- if she took out your plug -->
(if: $asstoyremoved is true) [ She grabs your plug and slides it back in.]
<!-- how it feels with your ass toys -->
(if: $assvibrator is true)
[ She turns it <i>way</i> back up. ]
She slides down the bed and lets out a blissful sigh as her hands settle on your thighs. Usually she likes to start slowly, especially when you're in no position to wiggle your hips closer for more. Not tonight though, tonight she <i>attacks.</i> She takes all of you in her mouth, sliding her tongue between your little lips. You'd be bucking if you could, instead you shiver and whine. Her tongue presses inside you as far as she can reach, before dipping out and teasing your entrance with the tip of her tongue. You feel the vibrations of her humming her pleasure against you. She doesn't torture you for long, lapping faster and harder circles around your clit until your entire body is shaking.
(if: $assvibrator is true)
[ The vibration combined with rimming beads in your ass are scrambling your brain. ]
<p>"That's it darling, cum in my mouth," she purrs, sending you flying right over the edge. Your back arches in spite of your awkward position, and waves of bliss wash over your body. Daddy licks you through the last throes and looks up at you with the smile of a woman sated—for the next two minutes anyway.</p>
(display: "Special Night Acts")
<!-- turn vibrators on or off -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")[ (set: $pussyvibrator to true) ]
<!-- score -->
(set: $throatfuck to $throatfuck + 1)
(if: $pussyvibrator is true)[ (set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1) (set: $vibrator to $vibrator + 1) ]
<p>Any thought you had for giving Daddy a nice, leisurely blowjob tonight evaporates. You're not moving from this position.</p>
<!-- if this is the first round -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Daddy gets you ready")
<p>Kneeling before you, she slowly unzips the crotch of her catsuit, her $cock cock springing loose fully erect. </p>
<!-- vibrator conditionals -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand")
<p>She pauses for a moment and taps her chin, considering something. Then she grabs the wand. You feel her fuss for a few moments, threading the wand between the binds and your thigh. She flips it on and grins, while you writhe beneath her. </p> ]
<!-- ass toy conditionals -->
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")
<p>The competing vibrations between the two toys feel like almost too much, and she hasn't even turned them up yet. </p>
<!-- suction toy doesn't work here, no hands -->
(else-if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")
[ <p>She swirls her tongue around the bullet a few times before popping it fully in her mouth, and then tucking it into your underwear. "I should think this gives you sufficient incentive not to wiggle," she laughs, before turning it on. You whine.</p> ]
<!-- ass toy conditionals -->
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")
<p>The competing vibrations between the two toys feel like almost too much, and she hasn't even turned them up yet. </p>
<!-- if this isn't the first round -->
(else: )
<!-- if she had to take out your plug -->
(if: $asstoyremoved is true) [ (set: $asstoyremoved to false) You feel a pressure at your backdoor as Daddy works your plug back in. You are destined to be overwhelmingly full this evening. ]
<!-- if vibrators are on -->
(if: $pussyvibrator is true) [ She pauses for a moment to turn up the vibrations. ]
(else-if: $assvibrator is true) [ She pauses for a moment to turn up the vibrations. ]
<!-- if she just came in your ass or pussy -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Daddy cums in your ass")
[ <p>Once she's satisfied everything is in order, she places herself astride you and lowers her cock to your mouth. Oh fuck, Daddy wants you to taste how naughty you are! She takes her time rubbing it all around your mouth before pushing just slightly past your lips. She grabs the headboard with both hands and <i>thrusts.</i></p> ]
(else-if: (history:)'s last is "Daddy cums in your pussy")
[ <p>Once she's satisfied everything is in order, she places herself astride you and lowers her dripping cock to your mouth. Daddy does so love making you taste your little pussy off her. She takes her time rubbing it—and your pleasure—all around your mouth before pushing just slightly past your lips. She grabs the headboard with both hands and <i>thrusts.</i></p> ]
(else: )
[<p>Once she's satisfied everything is in order, she places herself astride you and lowers her cock to your mouth. She takes her time rubbing it all around your mouth before pushing just slightly past your lips. She grabs the headboard with both hands and <i>thrusts.</i></p>]
(if: $pussyvibrator is true)
[ <p>There are not to be any warmups tonight, apparently. You gag and sputter, with nothing at your disposal for any measure of control. No, today was about you, but tonight is about Daddy's pleasure. You hear her moan, and smile to yourself as much as you can with a foot of cock rammed down your throat. You close your eyes and try to enjoy the ride. With every little burble you feel yourself getting wetter, building to a frenzy. Daddy's thrusts become more erratic, and you taste those first salty drops leaking out of her. Soon she's blasting down your little gullet, and you can't help it, her throbbing cock combined with the vibrations has you exploding. You'd be thrashing your way through this if not for the restraints.</p> ]
(else-if: $pussyvibrator is false)
[ <p>There are not to be any warmups tonight, apparently. You gag and sputter, with nothing at your disposal for any measure of control. No, today was about you, but tonight is about Daddy's pleasure. You hear her moan, and smile to yourself as much as you can with a foot of cock rammed down your throat. You close your eyes and try to enjoy the ride. With every little burble you feel yourself getting wetter. Daddy's thrusts become more erratic, and you taste those first salty drops leaking out of her. </p> ]
(set: _passage to (either: "Daddy cums on your tits", "Daddy cums on your face", "Daddy cums down your throat", "Daddy cums in your pussy", "Daddy cums in your ass"))
(link-goto: "Daddy's cumming <br>", _passage)
(set: _passage to (either: "Daddy cums on your tits", "Daddy cums on your face", "Daddy cums down your throat", "Daddy cums in your pussy", "Daddy cums in your ass"))
(link-goto: "Daddy's cumming <br>", _passage)
<!-- Choose from these options at random. -->{
(set: $specialnightcum to true)
(set: $cumcounter_tits to $cumcounter_tits + 1)
<!-- throat fuck entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Blowjob") [ <p>Daddy pulls herself out, and in two firm strokes is painting your freckles. ]
<!-- ass entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Ass") [ <p>Daddy pulls out of your ass, and for a moment you wonder what she's doing. You whine in protest at the emptiness.
(if: $asstoyremoved is true) [ She grabs your plug and pops it back in.]
As she sidles up to your tits you realize what she's up to. You can't really move, but you try your best to arch your back. In two firm strokes she's painting your freckles. ]
<!-- pussy entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Pussy") [ <p>Daddy pulls out of your pussy, and for a moment you wonder what she's doing. You whine in protest at the emptiness. As she sidles up to your tits you realize what she's up to. You can't really move, but you try your best to arch your back. In two firm strokes she's painting your freckles. ]
It's hot, sticky, dripping down your breasts, and it's all yours. Through hooded eyes, she growls, [ <i>"Il y en a bien d'autres comme ça, mon amour."</i> ]<french| (link: "Translate")[ (replace: ?french)[ "There's plenty more where that came from, my love." ] ] </p>
(display: "Special Night Acts")
(set: $specialnightcum to true)
(set: $cumcounter_face to $cumcounter_face + 1)
<!-- throat fuck entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Blowjob") [ <p>Daddy pulls herself out, and in two firm strokes is painting your face. ]
<!-- ass entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Ass") [ <p>Daddy pulls out of your ass, and for a moment you wonder what she's doing. You whine in protest at the emptiness.
(if: $asstoyremoved is true) [ She grabs your plug and pops it back in.]
As she sidles up to your mouth you realize what she's up to. Not that you've a choice in this position, but you open your mouth to eagerly oblige. In two firm strokes she's painting your face. ]
<!-- pussy entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Pussy") [ <p>Daddy pulls out of your pussy, and for a moment you wonder what she's doing. You whine in protest at the emptiness. As she sidles up to your mouth you realize what she's up to. Not that you've a choice in this position, but you open your mouth to eagerly oblige. In two firm strokes she's painting your face. ]
It's hot, sticky, dripping down your face, and it's all yours. Through hooded eyes, she growls, [ <i>"Tu es si jolie couverte de mon sperme, ma chérie."</i> ]<french| (link: "Translate <br>")[ (replace: ?french)[ "You look so pretty covered in my cum, my darling." ] ] </p>
(display: "Special Night Acts")
(set: $specialnightcum to true)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to $cumcounter_throat + 1)
<!-- throat fuck entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Blowjob") [ <p>Daddy thrusts down your gullet.</p> ]
<!-- ass entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Ass") [ <p>Daddy pulls out of your ass, and for a moment you wonder what she's doing. You whine in protest at the emptiness.
(if: $asstoyremoved is true) [ She grabs your plug and pops it back in.]
As she sidles up to your mouth you realize she's going to make you taste yourself, you dirty girl you. Not that you've a choice in this position, but you open your mouth to eagerly oblige and swirl your tongue all around her. And then she thrusts straight down your gullet.</p>
<!-- pussy entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Pussy") [ <p>Daddy pulls out of your pussy, and for a moment you wonder what she's doing. You whine in protest at the emptiness. As she sidles up to your mouth you realize she wants you to taste yourself. Not that you've a choice in this position, but you open your mouth to eagerly oblige, Daddy's cock dripping your pleasure onto your tongue. And then she thrusts straight down your gullet.</p> ]
<p>Daddy explodes down your throat. It's warm and it's all yours. Through hooded eyes, she growls, [ <i>"Avale ma bite, chaton. Bois jusqu'à la dernière goutte de mon sperme."</i> ]<french| (link: "Translate")[ (replace: ?french)[ "Swallow my dick, kitten. Drink every last drop of my cum." ] ] </p>
(display: "Special Night Acts")
(set: $specialnightcum to true)
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to $cumcounter_pussy + 1)
<!-- throat fuck entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Blowjob") [ <p>Daddy pulls herself out, and for a moment you think she's going to cum on your face until she starts moving lower. You feel her spit covered $cock cock pressing against your pussy before she slams into you, her legs shaking. You feel what seems like an endless eruption, rope after rope coating your insides. You groan with pleasure, and feel some splash out as Daddy tries to fuck it deeper inside you. ]
<!-- ass entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Ass") [ <p>Daddy pulls out of your ass, and for a moment you wonder what she's doing. You whine in protest at the emptiness, but then you feel a moment of pressure at your little pussy before she impales you. Filthy Daddy! You groan with pleasure, and feel some splash out as Daddy tries to fuck it deeper inside you. ]
<!-- pussy entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Pussy") [ <p>Daddy pulls back, almost all the way out, and then slams into you, her legs shaking. You feel what seems like an endless eruption, rope after rope coating your insides. You groan with pleasure, and feel some splash out as Daddy tries to fuck it deeper inside you. ]
Your gaze clouds with lust, you earned this. Through hooded eyes, Daddy sighs, [ <i>"Te combler est ma chose préférée, ma chérie.</i>" ]<french| (link: "Translate")[ (replace: ?french)[ "Filling you up is my favorite thing my darling." ] ] </p>
(display: "Special Night Acts")
<!-- score -->
(set: $specialnightcum to true)
(set: $cumcounter_ass to $cumcounter_ass + 1)
<!-- throat fuck entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Blowjob") [ <p>Daddy pulls herself out, and for a moment you think she's going to cum on your face until she starts moving lower. You feel her spit covered $cock cock pressing at your backdoor before she slams into you, her legs shaking. You groan with pleasure as you feel a warmth filling your little backdoor, rivulets of cum spilling out with each thrust as she tries to fuck it deeper. ]
<!-- ass entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Ass") [
<p>Daddy pulls back, almost all the way out, and then slams into you, her legs shaking. You groan with pleasure as you feel a warmth filling your little backdoor, rivulets of cum spilling out with each thrust as she tries to fuck it deeper.
<!-- pussy entry point -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Pussy") [ <p>
<!-- if she has to pull out a vibrator -->
(if: $asstoyremoved is false) [ You feel a tug at the plug in your ass before it's popped loose, pulling a tiny grunt from you. ]
Daddy pulls out, and you whine in protest at the sudden emptines. But then you feel it, a slight pressure at your little backdoor before she slams into you, her legs shaking. You groan with pleasure as you feel a warmth filling your little backdoor, rivulets of cum spilling out with each thrust as she tries to fuck it deeper. ]
You feel so warm and full. Through hooded eyes, Daddy sighs, [ <i>"Ton cul était censé être rempli de mon sperme, chaton."</i> ]<french| (link: "Translate")[ (replace: ?french)[ "Your ass was meant to be filled with my cum, kitten." ] ] </p>
(display: "Special Night Acts")
<p>Daddy gives you a gentle bath and takes you to bed. Curled in her arms you think about what a perfect day you've had. "Happy Valentine's Day, Sammie," she whispers in your ear. You drift off to sleep feeling warm, safe, and loved...</p>
<div class="sweetsweetcenter">
(display: "Score")
<p>(link: "Play again")[(restart:)]</p>
<!-- turn on vibrator -->
(if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")[ (set: $assvibrator to true) ]
<p>You sit on the bed like a good girl and wait. Daddy steps through the door and your breath catches in your throat. She's wearing a full latex catsuit zipped up to her neck. It's doing absolutely nothing to disguise her bulge. Her makeup is dark and heavy...and does Daddy look taller? <i>Oh my god</i> she actually put on a pair of black stilletos for you. <i>'Daddy isn't the only one getting a present tonight,'</i> you think to yourself.</p>
<p>She smiles and traces a finger down your cheek. You blush. She's wearing her spiciest perfume, you are <i>in for it</i> tonight.</p>
<!-- lingerie conditionals -->
(if: $lingeriechoice is "You want to be fucked like a princess")
[ <p>"Feeling innocent tonight, are we? Well, I must say pink and purple suit you," she says with a laugh.</p> ]
(else-if: $lingeriechoice is "You want to be fucked like a slut")
[ <p>"Well well well. Look what we have here, a perfect little slut all for me. I do so love you in black, Sammie," she says with a laugh.</p> ]
(else-if: $lingeriechoice is "You want to be fucked like Daddy's perfect pet")
[ <p>"Look at my obedient girl. You've wrapped yourself up for me just like a present," she says with a laugh, "I believe I have just the thing to go with this outfit." She pulls a velvet jewelry box from the nightstand and opens it for you. It contains an adorable violet leather choker collar. It's adorned with a layer of lace underneath the leather, and a gold heart ring. She fastens it lovingly around your neck. "Beautiful," she beams. </p> ]
<!-- pussy toy conditionals -->
(if: $pussytoychoice is "A big rumbly wand")
[ <p>She eyes your toy selection approvingly. "A wand is flexible choice, darling. Very practical."</p> ]
(else-if: $pussytoychoice is "A suction toy")
[ <p>She moves the suction vibrator to the nightstand. "Not quite so versatile as a wand, but oh I imagine between the two of us there will be a free hand <i>somewhere</i> to hold this in place," she winks.</p> ]
(else-if: $pussytoychoice is "A small, but manageable bullet")
[ <p>She picks up the bullet suspiciously, and chuckles, "I don't know how much dexterity you think you'll have this evening, but I'm sure we'll find a way to make this work."</p> ]
<!-- anal toy condiitionals -->
(if: $asstoychoice is "An enormous silicone egg plug")
<p>She picks up the plug, beaming. "Well done darling, going straight for the big guns tonight!" She splays her hand on your chest and gives you a playful shove, before generously lubricating the plug. Your eyes go wide when you realize she means to put this monstrous toy in you with no warmup whatsoever.</p>
<p>"Oh, come now darling, you'll have plenty of time to get used to it," she says, spreading your legs. She presses the tip of the toy against your unsuspecting little backdoor and pushes. She's really got her technique down with this thing, in it goes and you gasp.</p>
<p>"Full Daddy!" you yelp, and she kisses your forehead.</p>
(else-if: $asstoychoice is "A b-Vibe rimming XL vibrating plug")
<p>"Oh, now this is a fun selection. We've never used one this size before, but I think we'll manage." She splays her hand on your chest and gives you a playful shove, before generously lubricating the plug. Your eyes go wide when you realize she means to put this monstrous toy in you with no warmup whatsoever.</p>
<p>"Don't worry darling, once it's on you'll open right up. She presses the tip of the toy against your unsuspecting little backdoor and pushes. In it goes and you grunt. Those little bumps along the stem are <i>intense!</i></p>
<p>For a moment you think you're getting used to the toy, until you realize Daddy's found the remote. It whirs to life and suddenly not only is the bulb of the plug vibrating, little beads in the stem are assailing your backdoor. "Daddy!" you yelp, and she simply kisses your forehead as you squirm.</p>
(else-if: $asstoychoice is "A cute jeweled plug")
<p>She grabs the jeweled plug and admires it in the candlelight, "Aw, sweetheart did you choose something pretty just for me to enjoy when I'm looking at your cute little ass? That's adorable." She splays her hand on your chest and gives you a playful shove, before generously lubricating the plug.</p>
<p>You weren't expecting her to put it in without a warmup, but it's not so big as to be challenging. You slow your breathing and relax as you feel the silicone press against your little backdoor, but your ass swallows it easily. She kisses you on the forehead.</p>
<!-- bondage conditionals -->
(if: $bondagechoice is "A leather cuff set")
[ <p>She begins fastening the cuffs one by one. This set even comes with thigh cuffs. "I do so appreciate flexibility darling, this allows me a great deal of improvisation." She kneels beside you on the bed and sets you upright again, then pulls your arms behind your back and clips your wrists together. She grabs your hips and moves you to the center of the bed before pressing you back down again. She connects your ankles together and pushes them overhead while tugging until your hands are firmly below your ass. All your little holes are on display for Daddy. </p>
<p>"Yes, that will do nicely," she says, admiring her handiwork.</p>
(else: )
[ <p>She begins unspooling the soft rope. "Well my love, I see you'd like to be completely immobilized this evening," she says mischievously, "That can certainly be arranged." Once unwound you realize there are multiple coils of rope. She climbs onto the bed and maneuvers you so she can bind your hands behind you, before pressing you down, ankles overhead. She pulls gently until your hands are below your ass, and then ties each of your ankles to the headboard. All your little holes are on display for Daddy.</p>
<p>"Yes, that will do nicely," she says, admiring her handiwork.</p>
<p>How is daddy fucking you first?</p>
(display: "Special Night Acts")
(set: $throatfuck to $throatfuck + 1)
(set: $pussyeat to $pussyeat + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to $cumcounter_throat + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Take me to bed")
<p>Daddy pulls your wrists behind your back and cuffs you. She pushes you down on your back and pulls you to the edge of the bed with your head hanging off. <i>Oh!</i> She takes her time rubbing her $cock cock on your face and you lick your lips eagerly. She presses the head past your lips, pushing only halfway down in a steady rhythm.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy pushes you down on your back, pulling you to the edge of the bed with your head hanging off. <i>Oh!</i> She takes her time rubbing her $cock cock on your face and you lick your lips eagerly. She presses the head past your lips, pushing only halfway down in a steady rhythm.</p>
<p>"Fuck kitten, your mouth feels so good," she groans, before pushing all the way.</p>
<p>You can't help it, you sputter and gag. It only makes her fuck harder. Your spit streams down the sides of your cheeks. She lets up for a moment, before leaning on the bed. <i>'Oh, fuck,'</i> you think, that can only mean one thing. Sure enough, Daddy begins fucking your little throat even faster. But she has another reason for moving herself, now she can reach your wet little pussy. She runs her tongue up the length of your lips before pressing into your clit. You shudder and gag some more, feeling the spit running over your eyes and forehead. She lets up every few minutes so you can breathe, but not for long. When you feel her mouth fully envelop your pussy you lose it, you're cumming in Daddy's mouth, and pretty soon she's cumming down your throat.</p>
<p>She stands up, slowly pulling herself free, and gives you a little pat on the cheek with a smile.</p>
(display: "Bedroom Morning Fuck Options")
(set: $pussyfuck to $pussyfuck + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to $cumcounter_pussy + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Take me to bed")
<p>Daddy kneels beside you on the bed, pulls your wrists behind your back and cuffs you. She pushes you down on your back and pulls your knees apart. Daddy wants inside your little ginger cunt <i>right now.</i> She sits back on her haunches, inhaling deeply as she takes in your little form, looking like she's seeing food for the first time after not eating for a week. Biting her lip, she gives your pussy a hard slap. You squeal at the sudden pain, and she chuckles darkly. You watch her stroke herself a few times, before rubbing her cock all over your pussy. A needy little whine slips past your lips. </p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy kneels beside you on the bed, pushes you down on your back and pulls your knees apart. Daddy wants inside your little ginger cunt <i>right now.</i> She sits back on her haunches, inhaling deeply as she takes in your little form, looking like she's seeing food for the first time after not eating for a week. Biting her lip, she gives your pussy a hard slap. You squeal at the sudden pain, and she chuckles darkly. You watch her stroke herself a few times, before rubbing her cock all over your pussy. A needy little whine slips past your lips. </p>
<p>She raises an eyebrow, and teases you, "Aww, what's the matter? Is my kitten feeling greedy today?" Your brows furrow, and before your mouth can get you in trouble a large hand is squeezing your throat. "Say it kitten. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you."</p>
<p>Your eyes go wide, before finally choking out hoarsely, "Daddy I need your $cock cock."</p>
<p>She lets go and kisses you hungrily. "I could never refuse you," she says against your lips, and you feel her thrust into you as far as she can go. Her weight rests on one of her elbows, and when you feel the fingers of her other hand find your clit your eyes roll back in your head. She rolls and grinds her hips for a while before settling into a strong, thudding rhythm.</p>
<p>"Let me feel you cumming on my cock, kitten. Squeeze me, Sammie, it feels so fucking good," she says, launching you into an orgasm. Your back arches, and she muffles your scream with a kiss. As your body shakes through the last throes, she cums deep inside you. She lies on top of you for a moment as you both recover.</p>
(display: "Bedroom Morning Fuck Options")
(set: $assfuck to $assfuck + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_ass to $cumcounter_ass + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Take me to bed")
<p>Daddy kneels beside you on the bed, pulls your wrists behind your back and cuffs you. She pushes you down on your back and pulls your knees apart. You know what's coming next, and in spite of bracing yourself you still squeal when you feel her palm connect with your cheeks. You barely have enough time to wonder which of your holes she's going to take, when you feel her $cock cock rub your clit and slide up to your backdoor. Daddy wants that pale little ass. She groans as she impales you in a single push. She's really never been the same since you both learned you love it in the ass, she's insatiable. Nothing makes her crazy quite the way your ass does, and you can feel it in her frenzied thrusts. They go from deep to shallow, and slow and scraping to quick and brutal. You grunt as the inertia of each stroke pushes you forward.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy kneels beside you on the bed, pushes you down on your back and pulls your knees apart. You know what's coming next, and in spite of bracing yourself you still squeal when you feel her palm connect with your cheeks. You barely have enough time to wonder which of your holes she's going to take, when you feel her $cock cock rub your clit and slide up to your backdoor. Daddy wants that pale little ass. She groans as she impales you in a single push. She's really never been the same since you both learned you love it in the ass, she's insatiable. Nothing makes her crazy quite the way your ass does, and you can feel it in her frenzied thrusts. They go from deep to shallow, and slow and scraping to quick and brutal. You grunt as the inertia of each stroke pushes you forward.</p>
<p>Then you feel her on against your back, and at your ear demanding, "Tell me how good it feels when I fuck your ass, little one. Tell me how good it feels when I make you a very naughty girl."</p>
<p>It's hard enough to think when your brain is being pounded to mush, but now her finger is assailing your swollen little clit too. You know it will only get worse though if you don't answer. "I love your big $cock dick in my ass, Daddy, I love it!" you yelp.</p>
<p>"Yes darling, you do. Show me, cum all over me while I fill your ass up," she purrs. A guttural groan slips out of you, and you're cumming. You feel your little backdoor squeeze Daddy's throbbing cock, just as she slams into you with a deep groan. You feel her warm spurts as she fucks her cum deeper into you with renewed fervor. You both slide down, completely prone on the bed, chests heaving.</p>
(display: "Bedroom Morning Fuck Options")
(if: (passage:)'s name is "Take me to bed")
<p>What does Daddy start with?</p>
[[Daddy wants to use your throat like a pussy->Daddy fucks your face in bed]]<br>
[[Daddy needs to eat your little pussy. Now.->Daddy eats your pussy in bed]]<br>
[[Daddy can't resist your little ginger cunt->Daddy fucks your pussy in bed]]<br>
[[Daddy wants your ass->Daddy fucks your ass in bed]]<br>
(else: )
<p>What does Daddy do next?</p>
(unless: (visited: "Daddy fucks your face in bed"))[ [[Daddy wants to use your throat like a pussy->Daddy fucks your face in bed]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Daddy eats your pussy in bed"))[ [[Daddy needs to eat your little pussy. Now.->Daddy eats your pussy in bed]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Daddy fucks your pussy in bed"))[ [[Daddy can't resist your little ginger cunt->Daddy fucks your pussy in bed]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Daddy fucks your ass in bed"))[ [[Daddy wants your ass->Daddy fucks your ass in bed]]<br> ]
(if: (history:)'s last is not "Take me to bed")[ [[You're suddenly famished]]<br> ]
[[Aftercare please->Daddy mentions something about face masks]]<br>
(set: $pussyeat to $pussyeat + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(if: (history:)'s last is "Take me to bed")
<p>Daddy kneels beside you on the bed, pulls your wrists behind your back and cuffs you. She pushes you down face first, and then firmly positions your hips so you're ass up. Daddy simply cannot resist your pretty little pussy, it's her favorite taste in the entire world, and she means to have it. She nudges your knees farther apart, and gives you a few successive smacks to your ass, each one harder than the last. Once you're really stinging she parts your cheeks and lips with her big hands, spreading you wide open. You shiver at the exposure.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy kneels beside you on the bed, moves you face down and ass up. Daddy simply cannot resist your pretty little pussy, it's her favorite taste in the entire world, and she means to have it. She nudges your knees farther apart, and gives you a few successive smacks to your ass, each one harder than the last. Once you're really stinging she parts your cheeks and lips with her big hands, spreading you wide open. You shiver at the exposure.</p>
<p>She starts with a wide flat lick, from just above your clit to your backdoor. You shiver again and begin to squirm, which is met with a prompt smack to the rump.</p>
<p>"Stay still," she chides, before resuming the long, slow licks.</p>
<p>The air is cold against the wet trail left behind by Daddy's tongue. Her focus settles on your backdoor, lapping small arcs around it before dipping the tip of her tongue inside. You can't help but squeal and wiggle some more.</p>
<p>"Now what did I tell you, kitten?" she says firmly, before you feel a sharp slap to your ass. "Stay. Still."</p>
<p>She spreads you open once again, this time turning her attention to your clit. She runs over it a few times, just barely making contact, before alternating between circling around it and sucking. You groan into the sheets as two of her fingers slide inside you. She works them in slowly at first, curling them toward your belly, before adding a third finger. It feels impossibly full, and then you're cumming, absolutely gushing all over Daddy's fingers. She keeps lapping away until the last aftershocks subside, and flips you over before pressing her soaked fingers past your lips. After a minute of your tongue swirling around her fingertips she kisses you hungrily.</p>
(display: "Bedroom Morning Fuck Options")
(set: $morning to false, $afternoon to true)
<p>Daddy pads out into the kitchen where she's left her phone, while you sprawl contentedly on the bed. She knows exactly what you need: <i>carbs.</i> Lots of carbs. She orders you a mountain of thai food, before coming back and slipping some pajamas on. You snuggle lazily until the food arrives. You throw on a robe and go pound some drunken noodles on the couch. </p>
[[Take me back to bed.]] <br>
(set: _passage to (either: "Netflix is sounding pretty good right about now", "You're ready for a nap", "Daddy mentions something about face masks", "You're in the mood for something creative"))
(link-goto: "Relaxing at home sounds nice", _passage) <br>
[[I'm itching to go out]] <!--take to decision point to choose between unfussy and extrvagant afternoon activities-->
(set: $activitycounter to $activitycounter + 2)
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/bedroom.png"></p>
<!-- had sex this morning -->
(if: (visited: "Take me to bed") is true )
[ <p>Today you are insatiable!</p>
<p>"Wow we are really just gonna stay in bed and fuck all day, huh?" Daddy laughs, "Well, you'll get no complaints from me, it's not often I get you all to myself for a day." She scoops you up into her arms and makes for the bedroom.</p>]
<!-- coming from staycation -->
(else-if: (visited: "A Switch Pro Controller") is true )
[ <p>You're both feeling a certain post-massage glow, and are eager to enjoy it. Daddy scoops you up into her arms. You are all hers today.</p> ]
(else: )
[ <p>Daddy scoops you up into her arms and makes for the bedroom. You are all hers today.</p> ]
(display: "Bedroom Afternoon Fuck Options")
(unless: (visited: "Afternoon Face"))[ [[Daddy goes for your throat ->Afternoon Face]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Afternoon Oral"))[ [[Daddy wants to taste you ->Afternoon Oral]] <br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Afternoon Pussy"))[ [[Just get in my pussy already ->Afternoon Pussy]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Afternoon Ass"))[ [[Just get in my ass already ->Afternoon Ass]]<br> ]
<!-- only display after one of the afternoon fuck options has been visited -->
(if: (passage:)'s name is not "Take me back to bed.")[ [[It's dinner time]] ]
(set: $pussyeat to $pussyeat + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 2)
<p>Daddy gives you a look of pure, unbridled hunger, and pushes you down on the bed. For once, she doesn't take your hands away. She kisses a leisurely path across your body, beginning with your throat, until she's distracted by your breasts. She spends a few minutes tracing your freckles with her tongue before devouring your tits. She licks, she bites, she sucks, she squeezes, and her movements become less controlled and more desperate. Your fingers play in her hair, and this only makes her more heated. Finally she remembers what she was about and licks her way down your tummy to your pretty little pussy. She is absolutely beaming, like someone who has just opened the greatest Christmas present of all time. </p>
<p>Still, she takes her time, peppering your inner thighs with hickeys. Your impatience takes the shape of a tiny whine, and she raises an eyebrow, amused.</p>
<p>"Well then, darling. Who am I to keep you waiting?" she chuckles, before pressing her tongue right inside you without any preamble. Your hips fly up in surprise, but she presses you back down with a firm palm, giggling.</p>
<p>She lets you relax again, lapping slowly all around your lips before slow passes between them. Your body tenses as she begins circling around your clit, a little faster and closer each time. It doesn't take long for the pressure to build to the point of release, you scream and are soon exploding directly into her mouth. She keeps licking—and swallowing—happily. But...she's not stopping? As the last tiny tremors ripple through your body you wonder when you'll get a moment of reprieve.</p>
<p>Daddy's primary difficulty in worshipping your pussy is balancing her own desire to simply keep doing it forever, with your post-orgasm sensitivity. She's decided her solution for this today will be...to simply power through it. You're just going to have to keep cumming until she's had her fill.</p>
<p>At least she leaves your poor little clit alone for a while, making wider circles and occasionally dipping inside you. She loves the way you just keep dripping for a while after you cum. Before you know it the pressure is building again and everything is so sensitive you don't know how you could possibly take another orgasm, but your vision goes white. You're cumming again and hear Daddy's muffled "mmm" against your pussy as your hips thrash violently. She holds you still and latches on, only relenting once you're completely still.</p>
(display: "Bedroom Afternoon Fuck Options")
(set: $throatfuck to $throatfuck + 1)
(set: $titfuck to $titfuck + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to $cumcounter_throat + 1)
<p>Usually, Daddy prefers to bind you to yourself and not the furniture. She appreciates mobility. But, this afternoon she's attached your cuffed wrists to either side of the headboard, and propped a pillow under your head. Before you can wonder where this might be going, she straddles your chest and pauses. You can see the gears grinding in her head, when she presses your tits together and slides her $cock cock between them.</p>
<p>You giggle as she bites her lips and slowly grinds against your chest, letting out periodic satisfied little grunts. After a few minutes of this she catches your gaze, and you know you're in for something more intense. She moves a little farther up and rubs her cock, which is already leaking, over your face and slapping it against your tongue a few times. Gripping the headboard she thrusts, right past your throat barrier and all the way down. You can't help but gag, spit running out the sides of your mouth, and she smiles. </p>
<p>The way she's looking down at you and rotating her hips, you realize she's taking her time—as much as she can anyway—she wants to enjoy this. She leisurely fucks your throat, right through all your sputters. She pauses every so often for you to breathe, and for her to rub all the spit all over your face with her cock. She does so love making a mess of you. You see her arms stiffen, she's gripping the headboard tighter, and she starts moving faster. You brace yourself. </p>
<p>"Take it for me, kitten," she growls, before erupting down your throat and holding herself all the way in. You want to hold on to something, but there's nothing within reach and your fingers absently open and close. She pulls out and uncuffs you, taking you in her arms and kissing your slick face.</p>
<p>"I just can't control myself with you," she says, "I need...I need everything all the time."</p>
(display: "Bedroom Afternoon Fuck Options")
(set: $pussyfuck to $pussyfuck + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to $cumcounter_pussy + 1)
(set: $vibrator to $vibrator + 1)
<p>Daddy must be feeling a bit...creative this afternoon. She's pulled your ankles up over your head and cuffed them to your wrists. She plops you down on some pillows with a very determined look on her face, before impaling you with her $cock cock. No matter how many times you've done this, you still always feel stuffed to your limits. Daddy looks down in satisfaction at your little lips stretched around her, before slowly pulling back and thrusting again. And again. <i>And again.</i> The room fills with the sound of your wetness and the rythmic slap of her balls against your ass. Your eyes begin to close and you feel a hand on your throat.</p>
<p>"Stay with me, kitten," she says more gently than her fingers around your neck would imply. Her steady assault persists, but she rifles through the bedside drawer with her free hand. You watch an evil grin take shape as she finds what she's looking for, a suction vibrator. She positions it expertly against your clit and turns it on, suddenly you're seeing stars.</p>
<p>"Eyes on me, Sammie," she says with another squeeze, "Let me watch what happens when you lose all control." With that, she turns the vibrator up. She's set some kind of progressive pattern where the vibrations gradually increase of their own accord, and she fucks you steadily harder in tandem. All you can do is whimper, and then it hits you. Your hips buck uncontrollably as wave after wave of orgasm crashes through all your extremities. Watching you sends Daddy over the edge, and soon you're both shuddering as she's cumming deep inside you.</p>
<p>She's still pulsing in tiny spurts when she leans down to kiss you and whisper, "Everything feels right when I'm inside you."</p>
(display: "Bedroom Afternoon Fuck Options")
(set: $assfuck to $assfuck + 1)
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
(set: $cumcounter_ass to $cumcounter_ass + 1)
(set: $vibrator to $vibrator + 1)
<p>Daddy turns you over on the bed, and you let out a tiny "mmm" knowing what's likely coming, settling in. She cuffs your hands behind your back automatically, it's not like you'd ever resist, but she likes you <i>knowing</i> you're powerless. You hear her fumble in a bedside drawer for a minute and wonder what she might be looking for. When she squeezes your little cheeks you know you're in for it, there's just something about your ass that makes her <i>extra</i> determined sometimes. A few hard slaps reverberate against your skin—there it is. She doesn't like to get started until you're nice and red. Several slaps (and yelps) later, you feel something that isn't her $cock cock pressing against your pussy. She pushes a large egg vibrator inside you and powers it on. <i>Oh fuck.</i> It is <i>right</i> against your g-spot.</p>
<p>Just as you're squirming, trying to find some way to get used to this vibrator, you feel a sudden invasion in your backdoor. Daddy pushed as hard as she could, all the way in, and fuck you are so so full. You groan at the intensity, and she holds you down with one hand in your hair and the other between your shoulder blades. She's only just getting started. She picks up the pace, and you feel the vibrator begin to spike up and down. It's on some kind of random setting, you have no way to prepare for it. Daddy's thrusts are <i>hard</i>, deep, and unrelenting. All you can do is grunt and whimper as she has her way with you. Your ass feels impossibly full between Daddy and this vibrator, there's not a milimeter to spare in there and you can't hide from a single sensation.</p>
<p>The vibrator abruptly increases to full intensity, and pulses in some kind of wave pattern, and the next thing you know you're <i>cumming, hard.</i> The squeezes from your orgasm send Daddy over the edge.</p>
<p><i>"FUCK!"</i>, she screams, pounding more intensely and unevenly. Everything is suddenly warm and you hear the squelching noises of her fucking her cum deeper inside you. Finally, she yanks the vibrator out and tosses it across the room before collapsing on top of you. </p>
(display: "Bedroom Afternoon Fuck Options")
(if: (visited: "Take me back to bed.") is true)
<p>You are ravenous after getting your little body pummeled. Daddy cleans you off in a quick shower, gently towels you dry and hands you some fresh clothes.</p>
<p>She tells you to take a seat while she gets everything ready. You hear her make a quick phone call before she's bustling about the kitchen and dining room. When you look over you see she's cleared her pile of morbid history books, and set the table with candles and a bottle of chilled 2014 Le Rêve Blanc de Blancs. The doorbell rings. She grabs a large bag stamped Zuni Café and beckons you to the table.</p>
(else: )
<p>Daddy tells you to take a seat while she gets everything ready. You hear her make a quick phone call before she's bustling about the kitchen and dining room. When you look over you see she's cleared her pile of morbid history books, and set the table with candles and a bottle of chilled 2014 Le Rêve Blanc de Blancs. The doorbell rings. She grabs a large bag stamped Zuni Café and beckons you to the table.</p>
<p>"Kitten, this is a San Francisco classic people try and replicate all over the world. I've not taken you out for it before because, well, this dish in particular takes a long ass time. Usually they don't deliver, but I made a convincing case for an exception. We're having the legendary Zuni chicken and bread salad. The beauty is its simplicity. The chicken itself isn't fancy, it's just salted a few days in advance and roasted in a wood-burning oven, but will still somehow be the best you've ever had. The salad, made of bitter greens, scallions, currants, and pine nuts with chunks of soft bread heated in the oven alongside the chicken as it finishes. It gets dressed in a warm vinaigrette and served with the chicken on top so the bread soaks up all the drippings. Dig in!"</p>
(if: (visited: "Netflix is sounding pretty good right about now") is true)
<p>She wasn't exaggerating, this <i>is</i> the best chicken you've ever had! You never knew salad could be so good, but drenched in meat juice go figure. The wine is crisp and not too sweet. You chat about the day you've had.
(if: $netflixchoice is "The Bachelor but everyone is literally on fire")
[ You wonder what people get in exchange for getting set on fire on television. ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "Futurama")
[ There's a brief but heated debate about the best Futurama episodes, which you win handily. ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "People dying in caves. Horribly.")
[ You ask Daddy if she thinks they'll find another season's worth of people who get stuck in caves. After considering the ending you also ask her if maybe she should consider upping her homeowner's insurance policy...just in case. ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "Hell's Kitchen: Even More Yelling Edition")
[ Did this edition of Hell's Kitchen <i>really</i> have more yelling than the regular one? It's hard to say. ]
(else-if: $netflixchoice is "Parks and Rec")
[ Daddy wonders what Leslie's beef with libraries is. ]
You have a bitter chocolate torte for dessert. You relax on the couch for a bit while your meal settles and Daddy runs her fingers through your hair. The two of you take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood together to stretch your legs. She kisses you at her favorite lookout point where the city sparkles beneath you, and even in the dark there's no mistaking the look of complete devotion on her face.</p>
(else: )
<p>She wasn't exaggerating, this <i>is</i> the best chicken you've ever had! You never knew salad could be so good, but drenched in meat juice go figure. The wine is crisp and not too sweet. You chat about the day you've had. You have a bitter chocolate torte for dessert. You relax on the couch for a bit while your meal settles and Daddy runs her fingers through your hair. The two of you take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood together to stretch your legs. She kisses you at her favorite lookout point where the city sparkles beneath you, and even in the dark there's no mistaking the look of complete devotion on her face.</p>
[[All I want is you Daddy.->Take me home, Daddy]]
<p>It's been a lovely morning, but you feel like moving around a bit...instead of <i>being</i> moved. Daddy said she was ready for anything, let's see what she's got up her sleeve.</p>
(set: _passage to (either: "Musée Mécanique", "Rollerskating", "Vibrator Museum"))
(link-goto: "Nothing too fancy <br>", _passage)
(set: _passage to (either: "You'd like to relax for a while.", "You're feeling adventurous"))
(link-goto: "Sweep me off my feet, Daddy", _passage)
(set: $sexcounter to $sexcounter + 1)
(set: $vibrator to $vibrator + 1)
(set: $wearablevibrator to true)
<p>You look over and see Daddy's hand closed around something. You <i>know</i> that look, and it's too late for you now. You squeal as her hand reaches down your pants, and feel the press of silicone against your entrance. She kisses your cheek and nothing happens.</p>
<p>You go back to watching space, and suddenly the toy is vibrating both inside you <i>and</i> against your clit. <i>Oh fuck.</i> Daddy's got her phone out and appears to be absently scrolling, but every time her fingers touch the screen the vibration changes. You could maybe hold it together through this if the vibrations were in tandem, but with them moving independently no matter how you wriggle the sensations don't let up. You feel a sudden surging intensity, and then...it stops. You look at Daddy again, and her phone is away but her eyebrow is raised like she's daring you to protest. Well, this will be a new kind of museum experience.</p>
(display: "Academy Activities")
(set: $goldengirlssuspect to (a: "Dorothy", "Sophia", "Blanche", "Rose", "Stan" ))
(set: $goldengirl to (random: 1, 5))
(set: $goldengirlsculprit to $goldengirlssuspect's $goldengirl)
(set: $goldengirlslocations to (a: "on the lanai", "in the kitchen", "in Blanche's bedroom", "in Rose's bedroom", "in the bathroom", "in the garage", "in Sophia's bedroom", "in Dorothy's bedroom", "in the front yard" ))
(set: $goldengirllocation to (random: 1, 5))
(set: $goldengirlscrimescene to $goldengirlslocations's $goldengirllocation)
<p>It was $goldengirlsculprit who ate the last piece of cheesecake $goldengirlscrimescene! You win, and Daddy is a gracious loser who rewards you with a kiss.</p>
(display: "Staycation Activities")
[[You feel daddy's cock go hard against your back]]<br>
(if: $activitycounter is < 3)[ [[You're hungry]]<br> ]
[[Daddy has another surprise for you]]
<!-- Check that lunch option displays at the right times.
It should definitely show up if the player has just come from the bedroom morning fuck path.
(set: $sammiecums to $sammiecums + 1)
<!-- if history's last is ass, cum in her ass -->
(if: (history:)'s last is "Your ass")
(set: $alldayfuckmorningcum to "ass")
(set: $cumcounter_ass to $cumcounter_ass + 1)
<p>And then she does, cum inside you that is.</p>
<p>You feel her slam into your cheeks with a loud smack, and she's so deep it's hard to really tell what's happening but you're conscious of a sudden warmth that wasn't there before. It sends you right over the edge, your own orgasm crashing through every nerve ending of your body. It feels like she keeps pumping forever, how much cum could she possibly have? Eventually she pulls out, leaving you leaking her pleasure.</p>
<!-- if history's last is pussy, cum in her pussy -->
(else: )
(set: $alldayfuckmorningcum to "pussy")
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to $cumcounter_pussy + 1)
<p>Her grip on your throat tightens, you can still breathe but only just. She roars and you feel flood after flood of warmth. Just thinking about how much there is sends you flying into your own orgasm. It's a good thing Daddy has you pinned to this counter because it feels like your entire body is shattered and boneless. She thrusts a few more times before slumping onto your back, your sweat mingling.</p>
<!-- links to keep fucking conditional options, and take me to bed -->
(unless: (visited: "Your pussy"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your pussy]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "Your ass"))[ [[Daddy isn't done yet->Your ass]]<br> ]
(unless: (visited: "You need to taste Daddy. Now."))[ [[You need to taste Daddy. Now.]]<br> ]
[[Take me to bed]]<br>
<!-- test logic of last two links -->{
<!-- global time variables -->
(set: $activitycounter to 0)
(set: $morning to true)
(set: $afternoon to false)
<!-- global sex variables -->
(set: $cock to " ")
(set: $sexcounter to 0)
(set: $sammiecums to 0)
(set: $vibrator to 0)
(set: $blowjobcounter to 0)
(set: $pussyeat to 0)
(set: $fingered to 0)
(set: $assfuck to 0)
(set: $pussyfuck to 0)
(set: $throatfuck to 0)
(set: $titfuck to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_ass to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_face to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_tits to 0)
(set: $totaldaddycum to 0)
<!-- date specific sex variables -->
(set: $unfussyblowjobonly to false)
(set: $alldayfuckmorningcum to " ")
(set: $wearablevibrator to false)
(set: $specialnightcum to false)
(set: $lingerie to " ")
(set: $lingeriechoice to " ")
(set: $pussytoy to " ")
(set: $pussytoychoice to " ")
(set: $asstoy to " ")
(set: $asstoychoice to " ")
(set: $bondage to " ")
(set: $bondagechoice to " ")
(set: $pussyvibrator to false)
(set: $assvibrator to false)
(set: $asstoyremoved to false)
(set: $aquariumblowjob to false)
<!-- date specific variables -->
(set: $dragplaylist to " " )
(set: $dragsong to " ")
(set: $dragset to " ")
(set: $switch_game to " ")
(set: $fortune to " ")
(set: $fortunecookie to " ")
(set: $fortuneoutput to " ")
(set: $netflix to " ")
(set: $netflixchoice to " ")
(set: $bathbomb to " ")
(set: $bathbombchoice to " ")
(set: $goldengirlssuspect to " ")
(set: $goldengirl to " ")
(set: $goldengirlsculprit to " ")
(set: $goldengirlslocations to " ")
(set: $goldengirllocation to " ")
(set: $goldengirlscrimescene to " ")
<!-- food variables -->
(set: $firstlunchcourse to " ")
(set: $staycationlunchone to " ")
(set: $secondlunnchcourse to " ")
(set: $staycationlunchtwo to " ")
(set: $thirdlunchcourse to " ")
(set: $staycationlunchthree to " ")
(set: $snackplateone to " ")
(set: $snackplatetwo to " ")
(set: $snackplatethree to " ")
(set: $fancylunch to " ")
(set: $fancylunchdessert to " ")
(set: $firstdinnercourse to " ")
(set: $fancydinnerone to " ")
(set: $seconddinnercourse to " ")
(set: $fancydinnertwo to " ")
(set: $thirddinnercourse to " ")
(set: $fancydinnerthree to " ")
(set: $eltechomealone to " ")
(set: $eltechomealtwo to " ")
(set: $eltechomealthree to " ")
<!-- global time variables -->
(set: $activitycounter to 0)
(set: $morning to true)
(set: $afternoon to false)
<!-- global sex variables -->
(set: $cock to " ")
(set: $sexcounter to 0)
(set: $sammiecums to 0)
(set: $vibrator to 0)
(set: $blowjobcounter to 0)
(set: $pussyeat to 0)
(set: $fingered to 0)
(set: $assfuck to 0)
(set: $pussyfuck to 0)
(set: $throatfuck to 0)
(set: $titfuck to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_ass to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_pussy to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_face to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_throat to 0)
(set: $cumcounter_tits to 0)
(set: $totaldaddycum to 0)
<!-- date specific sex variables -->
(set: $unfussyblowjobonly to false)
(set: $alldayfuckmorningcum to " ")
(set: $wearablevibrator to false)
(set: $specialnightcum to false)
(set: $lingerie to " ")
(set: $lingeriechoice to " ")
(set: $pussytoy to " ")
(set: $pussytoychoice to " ")
(set: $asstoy to " ")
(set: $asstoychoice to " ")
(set: $bondage to " ")
(set: $bondagechoice to " ")
(set: $pussyvibrator to false)
(set: $assvibrator to false)
(set: $asstoyremoved to false)
(set: $aquariumblowjob to false)
<!-- date specific variables -->
(set: $dragplaylist to " " )
(set: $dragsong to " ")
(set: $dragset to " ")
(set: $switch_game to " ")
(set: $fortune to " ")
(set: $fortunecookie to " ")
(set: $fortuneoutput to " ")
(set: $netflix to " ")
(set: $netflixchoice to " ")
(set: $bathbomb to " ")
(set: $bathbombchoice to " ")
(set: $goldengirlssuspect to " ")
(set: $goldengirl to " ")
(set: $goldengirlsculprit to " ")
(set: $goldengirlslocations to " ")
(set: $goldengirllocation to " ")
(set: $goldengirlscrimescene to " ")
<!-- food variables -->
(set: $firstlunchcourse to " ")
(set: $staycationlunchone to " ")
(set: $secondlunnchcourse to " ")
(set: $staycationlunchtwo to " ")
(set: $thirdlunchcourse to " ")
(set: $staycationlunchthree to " ")
(set: $snackplateone to " ")
(set: $snackplatetwo to " ")
(set: $snackplatethree to " ")
(set: $fancylunch to " ")
(set: $fancylunchdessert to " ")
(set: $firstdinnercourse to " ")
(set: $fancydinnerone to " ")
(set: $seconddinnercourse to " ")
(set: $fancydinnertwo to " ")
(set: $thirddinnercourse to " ")
(set: $fancydinnerthree to " ")
(set: $eltechomealone to " ")
(set: $eltechomealtwo to " ")
(set: $eltechomealthree to " ")
(set: $typewriter to (char-style: via (t8n-delay:pos*50) + (t8n:'instant')))
(set: $totaldaddycum to $cumcounter_pussy + $cumcounter_ass + $cumcounter_throat + $cumcounter_mouth + $cumcounter_face + $cumcounter_tits)
<h3>Sammie's Score</h3>
<!-- <ul>
<li>Times you and Daddy fucked: $sexcounter</li>
<li>Times you came: $sammiecums</li>
<li>Vibrators used on you: $vibrator</li>
<li>Blowjobs given to Daddy: $blowjobcounter</li>
<li>Times Daddy fingered you: $fingered</li>
<li>Times Daddy ate your pussy: $pussyeat</li>
<li>Times Daddy fucked your pussy: $pussyfuck</li>
<li>Times Daddy fucked your ass: $assfuck</li>
<li>Times Daddy fucked your throat: $throatfuck</li>
<li>Times Daddy fucked your tits: $titfuck</li>
<li>Times Daddy came in your pussy: $cumcounter_pussy</li>
<li>Times Daddy came in your ass: $cumcounter_ass</li>
<li>Times Daddy came down your throat: $cumcounter_throat</li>
<li>Times Daddy came in your mouth: $cumcounter_mouth</li>
<li>Times Daddy came on your face: $cumcounter_face</li>
<li>Times Daddy came on your tits: $cumcounter_tits</li>
<li>Total times you made Daddy cum: $totaldaddycum</li>
</ul > ] -->
$typewriter[ <table>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times you and Daddy fucked: </td><td class="rightcolumn"> $sexcounter</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times you came:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$sammiecums</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Vibrators used on you:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$vibrator</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Blowjobs given to Daddy:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$blowjobcounter</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy fingered you:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$fingered</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy ate your pussy:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$pussyeat</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy fucked your pussy:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$pussyfuck</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy fucked your ass:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$assfuck</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy fucked your throat:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$throatfuck</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy fucked your tits:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$titfuck</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy came in your pussy:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$cumcounter_pussy</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy came in your ass:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$cumcounter_ass</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy came down your throat:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$cumcounter_throat</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy came in your mouth:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$cumcounter_mouth</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy came on your face:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$cumcounter_face</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Times Daddy came on your tits:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$cumcounter_tits</td></tr>
<tr><td class="leftcolumn">Total times you made Daddy cum:</td><td class="rightcolumn">$totaldaddycum</td></tr>
</table> ]
<div class="sweetsweetcenter">
<p><img src="http://daddydreamdatesimulator.com/images/daddydreamdate.png" alt="Daddy Dream Date Simulator Logo"></p>
<p>This is a text based adventure game where a little kitten chooses her perfect day with Daddy. No two playthroughs will be the same. Your progress is automatically saved in the browser. Enter password to start.</p>
(input: bind _entered)
(link-repeat: "Submit")[
(if: _entered is "sks")[
(go-to: "Good Morning Sunshine!")
(alert: "Incorrect password. Please try again.")